Forest edges and small trees – especially small ones – are the habitat of the Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio). A male, clearly visible, secures the half-open habitat. From time to time he calls out his unspectacular call, jumps to the ground and then flies back with or without prey on his favorite perch with a… Continue reading Red-backed Shrike in the Nuthe-Nieplitz region
Tag: Blackcap
Songbird migration along the southern Black Sea coast
The roosting Red-backed Shrikes (Lanius collurio) are all juveniles. One has taken a long morning bath and is now shaking its wet feathers on a stick in the morning sun. Again and again the wings are spread, shaken and then placed one on top of the other. In particular, a tiny garden with runner beans… Continue reading Songbird migration along the southern Black Sea coast
A Blackcap with nesting material in its beak in Montenegro
A Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla), a female recognizable by the rusty-brown crest, suddenly sits on a low branch. It has fine, but long, nesting material in its beak. Despite the short distance to us, it sits irresolutely on the branch with the blackish roots for a while. In fact, the male Blackcap builds several nest beginnings… Continue reading A Blackcap with nesting material in its beak in Montenegro
The first returnees from migration: the Black Kite
The wide meadows oft he Elbe south of Wittenberg in Saxony-Anhalt is a special bird protection area. By far not as populated as the lower Rhine valley, it favors many migrating and breeding bird species. Spring is spectacular. A familiar “neigh” is in the air. The meadows are mainly characterized by the distinctive calls of… Continue reading The first returnees from migration: the Black Kite
Young Warbler as an ID-challenge in southern Brandenburg in Germany
In the beginning of August I shot the image of a drab warbler near a pond in southern Brandenburg. I did not realize the bird at that moment, as the whole willow bush in a otherwise highly agricultural land was quite busy with migrating birds, e.g. Sedge Warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) well. I think, I remember… Continue reading Young Warbler as an ID-challenge in southern Brandenburg in Germany
Zwergschnäpper an der „Grossen Treppe“ auf Helgoland
Zunächst verrät nichts die Anwesenheit eines Zwergschnäppers (Ficedula parva). Aber heute früh ist er von der „Großen Treppe“, der Verbindung von Ober- zu Unterlang auf Helgoland gemeldet worden. Zuerst sind nur die Zilpzalpe (Phylloscopus collybita) und der Zaunkönig (Troglodytes troglodytes) im Hang zu hören. Von der Empore auf mittlerer Höhe der Großen Treppe lausche ich… Continue reading Zwergschnäpper an der „Grossen Treppe“ auf Helgoland
Helgoland, die Vogelinsel
Die Abendsonne intensiviert das Rot der Helgoländer Klippen. Basstölpel (Morus bassanus) sind vom Klippenrand oder auf einer der angebotenen Führungen gut zu beobachten und zu fotografieren. Formatfüllende Aufnahmen gelingen bereits mit einer 300 mm Brennweite. Diese Brennweite ist für Flugaufnahmen sogar perfekt geeignet. Nur um die Nester mit den Seevögeln groß genug abzubilden, sind manchmal… Continue reading Helgoland, die Vogelinsel
Ausflug nach Corvo/ Azoren
Um 9:00 sind wir auf dem Parkplatz oberhalb des Walfang-Museums in Santa Cruz, der alten Fabrica da Baleia do Boqueirao. Die Fahrt startet am Porto do Boqueirao. Unten wartet schon Carlos auf uns, der – trotz Nebensaison – sogar das ganze Boot für diesen Trip voll bekommt. Ok, ein Samstag bei schönem Wetter. Bei nicht… Continue reading Ausflug nach Corvo/ Azoren
Common Moorhen at Ribeira do Ferreiro/ Fajã Grande
The general area of Fajã Grande has a great potential for Birdwatching. Die different habitats include lagoons, streams, woods, coastal areas, small pastures, agricultural fields and 1 little lake. This is a place of magnificent beauty. Take the parking spot on the road between 2 bridges and walk from the main road up to the… Continue reading Common Moorhen at Ribeira do Ferreiro/ Fajã Grande
Tree Pipit: back from Africa
A remembrance of a song, beautiful and both familiar and strange. It took a while until I got the clue. It was a Tree Pipit (Anthus trivialis) singing in a woodland in the heath on sunday. Singing now south of Berlin, seen 20 days ago in Cameroon. There the subspecies trivialis was still fairly common… Continue reading Tree Pipit: back from Africa
Observation site for spring migration on the river Oder
After having presented protected nature areas in the Havellaendisches Luch or the Guelper See, a recent blog was dealing with the Oder valley in general and The National Park Lower Oder especially. The National Park protects a flood plain, the last still intact in large parts of the estuary of Central Europe. A rainy, cloudy… Continue reading Observation site for spring migration on the river Oder
Vögel im Holunder im Garten
Der Holunderstrauch der Art Schwarzer Holunder (Sambucus nigra) in meinem Garten direkt vor meinem Arbeitszimmerfenster ist ein ganz besonderer Anziehungspunkt. Nicht nur für Vögel sondern auch für Insekten und kleine Säugetiere wie Mäuse. In dem Holunder habe ich schon Vögel von der Größe einer Ringeltaube (Columba palumbus) bis hin zu den kleinsten Singvogelarten wie dem… Continue reading Vögel im Holunder im Garten