Milane bremsen Windkraft-Ausbau nicht nur in Deutschland

Naturschutz-Initiativen und streng geschützte Greifvögel wie der Rote Milan, Milvus milvus, erweisen sich nicht nur in Deutschland als Hindernis für den Ausbau der Windenergie. Ähnlich wie in Deutschland (s. Blog) ist die Situation in Österreich. In der Nähe des in Bau befindlichen neuen Windparks am Ortsrand von Großkrut, Bezirk Mistelbach, entdeckte ein Ornithologe den auch… Continue reading Milane bremsen Windkraft-Ausbau nicht nur in Deutschland

Keoladeo National Park, a paradise also for Western Palearctic birds

Is it possible to combine business and birding in India? The country is large, the distance too and most business is performed in a metropolitan area – New Delhi. Although supposedly in the area of New Delhi only 250,000 people live after the Indian census of 2011, but there are at least several million in… Continue reading Keoladeo National Park, a paradise also for Western Palearctic birds

Hoopoes on Fuerteventura

As the plane gained altitude and the rugged, steep cliffs of the Canary Island of La Palma disappeared more and more in the haze, I decided to come back. Was it the allure of warm semi-desert with cactus like their spurge, the rugged caldera in the northern part of the island, which had thrilled me… Continue reading Hoopoes on Fuerteventura

Dancing Great Egret in morning fog

Egrets in fog are a great motif. By the white color , the herons have always something mystical in the morning mist. White creatures are often used in myths and legends to serve as leaders to a different world. White deer, white horses and white rabbits are probably the most common associations for magic and… Continue reading Dancing Great Egret in morning fog

Birding around Frankfurt Airport: Grosser Feldberg

Frankfurt Airport (FRA) is the gateway to continental Europe. Many airlines use the Airport as a hub for connecting flights all over the world. If you have spare time between two flight and you are a birdwatcher, you might be interested to know, where you can find good places to stretch your legs, enjoy fresh… Continue reading Birding around Frankfurt Airport: Grosser Feldberg

Red Kites slow wind power expansion

Conservation initiatives and the strictly protected red kite, Milvus milvus prove to be the biggest obstacles to wind power development in Germany . The ambitious goals of both the current federal government and especially the red-green state governments are in danger . In particular, the requirement to use increasingly forest sites as locations for 200… Continue reading Red Kites slow wind power expansion

Rotmilane bremsen Windkraft-Ausbau

Naturschutz-Initiativen und der streng geschützte Rote Milan, Milvus milvus, erweisen sich als größte Hindernisse für den Windkraft-Ausbau in Deutschland. Der Rote Milan war ja schon häufiger Gegenstand der Blogs auf So z.B. hier oder hier. Der Rotmilan ist ein Charaktervogel der mitteleuropäischen Landschaften. Etwa 65% des Weltbestandes des Rotmilans kommt in Deutschland vor. Die… Continue reading Rotmilane bremsen Windkraft-Ausbau