Photographing Common Kingfishers during display

Many people photograph Common Kingfishers (Alcedo atthis) when they gather in small ponds, lakes and canals in winter to find food. I am particularly fascinated by the colours and movement of the birds. The shimmering plumage of kingfishers should be photographed using a high-resolution sensor such as the Canon EOS-1D X Mark III. Even the… Continue reading Photographing Common Kingfishers during display

Songbird migration along the southern Black Sea coast

The roosting Red-backed Shrikes (Lanius collurio) are all juveniles. One has taken a long morning bath and is now shaking its wet feathers on a stick in the morning sun. Again and again the wings are spread, shaken and then placed one on top of the other. In particular, a tiny garden with runner beans… Continue reading Songbird migration along the southern Black Sea coast

Pallas’s Grasshopper-Warbler searching in Sri Lanka

The morning light is fantastic this morning in southern Sri Lanka very close to the famous Bundala National Park. After we have already been very successful with some water birds, we now want to dedicate ourselves to a wintering bird from Central Asia. I was just able to photograph a female Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)… Continue reading Pallas’s Grasshopper-Warbler searching in Sri Lanka

Eisvögel bei Schnee und Eis

Nebelschwaden steigen aus dem gemächlich dahinfließenden Wasser der Nuthe in die kalte Luft empor. Ein relativ später Wintereinbruch überrascht mit Kälte und sogar Schneefall bis in tiefere Lagen. In Brandenburg schneit es bis in die tieferen Lagen erheblich. Dick aufgeplustert sitzt ein Eisvogel (Alcedo atthis) auf einem seiner Lieblingsplätze, einem bis dicht über die Wasseroberfläche… Continue reading Eisvögel bei Schnee und Eis

A young Night Heron near Cologne

The late summer evening in August 2020 was surprisingly cool, although the hike from the parking lot to the river bank section turned out to be sweaty. In a Black-crowned Night-Heron, (Nycticorax nycticorax) had been reported from the Siegaue near Bonn. That would be a nice observation. There were already other interested birders on… Continue reading A young Night Heron near Cologne

Junger Nachtreiher an der Sieg

In wurde ein Nachtreiher (Nycticorax nycticorax) von der Siegaue bei Bonn gemeldet. Das wäre doch eine schöne Beobachtung. Schon am 11. August war die Sichtung eines Nachtreihers vom NSG “Dondorfer See“ einem Baggerloch ganz in der Nähe der Sieg gemeldet worden. In den folgenden Tagen wurde der junge Nachtreiher aber immer wieder an der… Continue reading Junger Nachtreiher an der Sieg

Photographing Shining Blue Kingfisher at perch in Ghana

A blue twitch in the shadow of an overhanging bush directly near the path along the water. A Shining Blue Kingfisher (Alcedo quadribrachys) has established a perch just on a quite busy trail on an overhanging branch. The Shining Blue Kingfisher sits just 1m above water level – ie at eye level for us. A… Continue reading Photographing Shining Blue Kingfisher at perch in Ghana

Kingfishers and their nests

A flash of blue suddenly took my eye and, when I checked to see what had caused me to blink, I spotted a Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) sitting on an overhanging branch. A short, sharp whistle had announced the Common Kingfisher. Now, in spring, it will soon be heard on many natural waters again. Kingfishers… Continue reading Kingfishers and their nests

Feeding with fish: Kingfisher´s wedding gift

A clear winter day. The alders and willows along the small stream are covered with hoarfrost. Wafts of mist rise from the slow-flowing water in the cold air. But then a whistle permeates the silence, and suddenly an azure flash of lightning rushes just above the surface of the water, once more a whistle, and… Continue reading Feeding with fish: Kingfisher´s wedding gift

Wasseramseln: eine fotografische Herausforderung

Über schnellfließenden, klaren, sauberen Flüssen und Bächen ist mitunter der Flug eine dunklen Vogels zu erkennen. Im Tiefflug schießt er über das Wasser, umgeht dabei meisterhaft evtl. aus dem Wasser ragende Felsen und umgestürzte Bäume und ist auch schon um die nächste Biegung des Baches verschwunden. Für eine an Gefiederdetails orientierte genaue Artbestimmung dauert der… Continue reading Wasseramseln: eine fotografische Herausforderung

Wie und wo kann man Eisvögel fotografieren?

Ein Stecken im Wasser im schönsten Sonnenlicht und darauf ein Eisvogel (Alcedo atthis). Das ist ein Bild, das viele Naturfotografen schießen wollen. Da stellt sich natürlich die Frage, was die Vorlieben und Gewohnheiten des Eisvogels sind. Wenn man sich intensiver mit der Eisvogelfotografie auseinandersetzt, fragt man sich wie z.B. ein Lieblings-Ansitz aussehen muß, wie die… Continue reading Wie und wo kann man Eisvögel fotografieren?

Common Kingfisher feeding female

A Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) on its perch is the image! Many nature photographers are keen on getting on – or more – of this. Highlight is action, which could mean feeding or diving for food. Between February and March of Kingfisher starts dating. Before Kingfishers are ready to mate, the female have to be… Continue reading Common Kingfisher feeding female