Polyphonic, high-pitched calls resound from the dense tops of a pine forest at the edge of a sports field in southern Brandenburg, only 50 km away from Berlin. The calls can be heard from far away and are characterized by their rather squawking pitch. The birds can be heard from different directions. It must be… Continue reading Bramblings in preparation for migration
Tag: Chaffinch
Red-backed Shrike in the Nuthe-Nieplitz region
Forest edges and small trees – especially small ones – are the habitat of the Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio). A male, clearly visible, secures the half-open habitat. From time to time he calls out his unspectacular call, jumps to the ground and then flies back with or without prey on his favorite perch with a… Continue reading Red-backed Shrike in the Nuthe-Nieplitz region
Leucism in the Red-backed Shrike
During a search of a known migratory birding spot in north-west Cyprus, a “white” shrike was observed on the outskirts of the area used as a camping site, which was only sparsely park-like and which at first glance could not be a Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor) despite the light color. The smaller size and… Continue reading Leucism in the Red-backed Shrike
Redwing on icy shore
The snow is already high and flakes are still falling from the icy-cold sky in eastern Germany. Only the flowing waters still have open water. A refuge not only for water birds. Other surface waters in the area have long been covered by a thick layer of ice. The Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) do not seem… Continue reading Redwing on icy shore
Beobachtung eines leuzistischen Neuntöters
Bei der Absuche eines bekannten Zugvogelgebiets im Nordwesten von Zypern beobachtete im Randbereich des als Campingplatz benutzten nur spärlich parkähnlich bewachsenen Gebietes einen „weißen“ Würger, der schon auf den ersten Blick kein Raubwürger (Lanius excubitor) sein konnte. Trotz der hellen Färbung. Die geringere Größe und insbesondere der Habitus ließ keinen Zweifel aufkommen, daß es um… Continue reading Beobachtung eines leuzistischen Neuntöters
Buchfink mit Insektenflügel am Schnabel
Auf dem Zug kommen Buchfinken (Fringilla coelebs) häufig in großen Ansammlungen vor, die neben vegetarischer Nahrung auf umgebrochenen Feldern auch immer wieder zu wilden Flügen auf schwärmende Insekten nach Fliegenschnäpperart aufbrechen. Dazu werden kurze Flüge aus einem Strauch unternommen. Für das menschliche Auge sind nur viele schwärmende Insekten in der Luft zu sehen. Das Handbuch… Continue reading Buchfink mit Insektenflügel am Schnabel
Buchfinken-Trupps auf dem Frühjahrszug
Wie bunt-bemalte Eier im Osterstrauch sitzen dieser Tage Buchfinken (Fringilla coelebs) und andere Singvögel in den Gehölzen der Feldmark im südlichen Brandenburg. Nicht nur im abendlichen Sonnenlicht ein ganz besonderer Anblick. Immer wieder fliegen kopfstarke Trupps aus Holunderbüschen in die angrenzenden Felder, die gerne schon mit dem ersten Kohl bestanden sein können oder aus abgeernteten,… Continue reading Buchfinken-Trupps auf dem Frühjahrszug
Woodpeckers at the winter feeder
A few years ago, I was a guest at a commercial winter feeding site for raptors. Great shooting conditions, beautiful scenery, great birds. Unfortunatelly not quite around the corner of my home located in the Eifel. ” …this I can do that, too” ,I thought. But then it turned out to be not so easy.… Continue reading Woodpeckers at the winter feeder
Resultate 2013; Results of Euro BirdWatch in Switzerland
On the weekend of 5/6 October 2013 BirdLife International and its national partner institutions organized the pan-european Euro BirdWatch. Migratory birds on their way south were observed in 33 European and some countries in central Asia. In total 2,509 visitors were inspired by the natural phenomenon of bird migration in spite of bad weather. In… Continue reading Resultate 2013; Results of Euro BirdWatch in Switzerland
Bird migration at the Stockert in the Eifel hills
A beautiful autumn day. Indian Summer, as written in the books. This time it is to go to the Eifel to hill Stockert south of Euskirchen where bird migration at day can be observed. It was still dark when I arrived. The first bird whispers were heard already . It was mainly chickadees whose calls… Continue reading Bird migration at the Stockert in the Eifel hills
Hoopoes on Fuerteventura
As the plane gained altitude and the rugged, steep cliffs of the Canary Island of La Palma disappeared more and more in the haze, I decided to come back. Was it the allure of warm semi-desert with cactus like their spurge, the rugged caldera in the northern part of the island, which had thrilled me… Continue reading Hoopoes on Fuerteventura
Hide Photography in Bulgaria in July; Images from the Dobruja
The north-eastern countryside of Bulgaria called Dobruja or in Bulgarian Dobrudzha or in romanian Dobrogea was not famous of being one of Bulgaria´s birding hot spots for bird-lens before. But a trip to the Romanian Dobrogea in may 2012 was already very productive. Thus maybe an excursion to that thinly populated area south of the… Continue reading Hide Photography in Bulgaria in July; Images from the Dobruja