Pink-footed Goose in Rudow-Altglienicke/ Berlin

This time there was no need to patiently monitor flocks of geese with a spotting scope in windy weather and sleet and snow showers. It was cool and wet, but the Pink-footed Goose (Anser brachyrhynchus) in the Landschaftspark (landscape park) Rudow-Altglienicke could be seen quickly in flocks with Greylag Geese (Anser anser) and 2 Greater… Continue reading Pink-footed Goose in Rudow-Altglienicke/ Berlin

Kurzschnabelgans in Berlin

Auf das geduldige Durchsuchen eines Gänsetrupps mit dem Spektiv bei windigem Wetter und Graupel- und Schneeschauern war man diesmal gar nicht angewiesen. Es war zwar kühl und nass, aber die Kurzschnabelgans (Anser brachyrhynchus) vom Landschaftspark Rudow-Altglienicke war in Trupps mit Graugänsen (Anser anser) und 2 Bläßgänsen (Anser albifrons) schnell zu sehen. Leider war es wieder… Continue reading Kurzschnabelgans in Berlin

The first returnees from migration: the Black Kite

The wide meadows oft he Elbe south of Wittenberg in Saxony-Anhalt is a special bird protection area. By far not as populated as the lower Rhine valley, it favors many migrating and breeding bird species. Spring is spectacular. A familiar “neigh” is in the air. The meadows are mainly characterized by the distinctive calls of… Continue reading The first returnees from migration: the Black Kite

The Big Year & the Pink-footed Goose

If you have seen the movie “The Big Year” from 2011, you probably remember the search for the Pink-footed Goose which Jack Black pursued together with Owen Wilson and Steve Martin as keen birders. The Big Year is a story about three singularly obsessed men who compete to see who will be the “best birder… Continue reading The Big Year & the Pink-footed Goose

Long-eared Owls in Hungary in winter

In a small side street of the sleepy town of Balmazújváros in eastern Hungary, almost in the city center next to the church, up to 10 Long-eared Owl (Asio otus) have been hiding in large trees for years. A bizarre sight that makes every photographer or birdwatcher’s heart beat faster. Long-eared Owls are not uncommon… Continue reading Long-eared Owls in Hungary in winter

Pomarine Jaeger deep in hinterland in Germany

Pomarine Jaegers (Stercorarius pomarinus) are high-arctic gulls, which spend most of the non-breeding season offshore in the Atlantic. Thus, a Pomarine Jaeger is a very unusual sighting in Germany, especially for inland states like Brandenburg. End of September a Pomarine Jaeger was seen on the Gülper See. The Gülper See (lake) in the Havelaue west… Continue reading Pomarine Jaeger deep in hinterland in Germany

Waldohreulen am Wintereinstand

In einer kleinen Seitenstraße des verschlafenen Städtchen Balmazújváros im Osten Ungarns, fast im Stadtzentrum neben der Kirche, verstecken sich schon seit Jahren bis zu 30 Waldohreulen (Asio otus) in großen Bäumen. Ein skurriler Anblick, der jedem Fotografen oder Vogelbeobachter das Herz höher schlagen lässt. Waldohreulen sind durchaus nicht selten. Allerdings sind sie außerhalb der Winterzeit… Continue reading Waldohreulen am Wintereinstand

Ein Kuhreiher in Noord-Holland

Eine Meldung in verhieß eine schöne Abwechslung in dem auch ansonsten nicht gerade (vogel-)artenarmen nordholländischen Küstenstreifen. Ein Kuhreiher (Bubulcus ibis) war in einem ausgedehnten Wiesenvogelreservat gesichtet worden. Kleine Sträßchen durchziehen die Gegend nördlich der stark von Touristen frequentierten Gemeinde Camperduin bei Bergen. Der erste Anlauf war insofern erfolgreich, daß ein weißes Etwas auf einer… Continue reading Ein Kuhreiher in Noord-Holland

Waldsaatgänse im Havelland

Die Havelaue westlich von Hohennauen –  nördlich von Rathenow – ist eine weite Ebene des norddeutschen Tieflandes. Bei Temperaturen um 0° liegt die Landschaft unter einer dicken Hochnebeldecke. Die Luft ist feucht-kalt und das Land liegt still. Die ergiebigen Regenfälle der vergangenen Tage haben die Wiesen überschwemmt. Teils liegen Wiesen und Weiden unter einer brüchigen… Continue reading Waldsaatgänse im Havelland

Taiga Bean Goose in Havelland near Berlin

Bean Geese on their wintering grounds near Berlin. The Havelaue west of Hohennauen – north of Rathenow – is a vast plain of the North German lowlands. In January, the landscape was – at temperatures around 0 ° Celsius – under a thick blanket of foggy clouds. The air was humid and cold, and the… Continue reading Taiga Bean Goose in Havelland near Berlin

Birding around Berlin: The Guelper See

Berlin might not sound like a birdwatcher’s paradise but the capital of Germany offers surprisingly good birding. Berlin is already a top tourist destination. But it is a great place to combine a city trip with a birding excursion, too. Many airlines use the Airport of Berlin, but it is possible to take a flight… Continue reading Birding around Berlin: The Guelper See

Birding around Frankfurt – Mittlere Horloffaue/ Wetterau

Frankfurt is the financial capital of Germany. It is well known although the city limits inhabit only roughly 600,000 people. But the greater Frankfurt area of course is much more populated. If you are on business in Frankfurt and have some spare time between two meetings and you are a birdwatcher, you might be interested… Continue reading Birding around Frankfurt – Mittlere Horloffaue/ Wetterau