Photographing Red-backed Shrikes in Germany

The male of the Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio) sits exposed on an Elderberry branch (Sambucus nigra) protruding from the hedge. For years, this small shrike has been found in the midst of a wet forest meadow landscape during the breeding season. In the North German Plain the Red-backed Shrike is still widespread, but the population… Continue reading Photographing Red-backed Shrikes in Germany

Ring Ouzel at the reservoir for snow cannons in Palandöken Ski resort in eastern Turkey

A water retention basin for the ski canons is surrounded by a chain link fence and some willow trees. I park the car half hidden by a willow bush on the bank. The early morning dawns. The stony shore seems to be a very good bird attraction here in the barren landscape. I can quickly… Continue reading Ring Ouzel at the reservoir for snow cannons in Palandöken Ski resort in eastern Turkey

Eurasian Hobby on the migration along the Black Sea coast of Türkiye

After the thick cloud cover has broken up a bit and the sea is no longer too stormy, I can take really good pictures of a low-flying Eurasian Hobby (Falco subbuteo) in the early morning lights. It’s already the second of its kind. The first was so fast that it simply passes. But the second… Continue reading Eurasian Hobby on the migration along the Black Sea coast of Türkiye

Red-backed Shrike in the Nuthe-Nieplitz region

Forest edges and small trees – especially small ones – are the habitat of the Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio). A male, clearly visible, secures the half-open habitat. From time to time he calls out his unspectacular call, jumps to the ground and then flies back with or without prey on his favorite perch with a… Continue reading Red-backed Shrike in the Nuthe-Nieplitz region

Red-backed Shrike with a wasp in its beak

A young, rain-soaked Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio) has taken advantage of the rain to snag a stunted wasp and proudly display it to the photographer. During the recording, the juvenile red-backed shrike made no attempt to smack the prey against a branch in the manner of many other insectivorous birds – just to mention the… Continue reading Red-backed Shrike with a wasp in its beak

Cuckoos in aggressive territorial fights

The pure aggressiveness is written all over the faces of the rivals, you almost think you can see the hate glistening in their eyes. Again and again the cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) call from the edge of a bush and then fly over the pulpit with conspicuous, slow wing beats and then land in elder bushes.… Continue reading Cuckoos in aggressive territorial fights

Leucism in the Red-backed Shrike

During a search of a known migratory birding spot in north-west Cyprus, a “white” shrike was observed on the outskirts of the area used as a camping site, which was only sparsely park-like and which at first glance could not be a Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor) despite the light color. The smaller size and… Continue reading Leucism in the Red-backed Shrike

Radde’s Accentor in Turkish Ski resort in eastern Turkey

A spring, well hidden by willow bushes, seems to be a very good bird attraction here in the barren landscape. Again and again dripping wet birds come out of a thicket of willows, shake their feathers and dry themselves. So they bathe in the hiding place of the willow. A Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio) is… Continue reading Radde’s Accentor in Turkish Ski resort in eastern Turkey

Songbird migration at Cildir Lake in eastern Turkey

The planted pine grove is surprisingly productive. In the car, I patrol the edge of the forest, which is now in the morning sunlight. This draws out the resting migratory birds in masses. I patiently park my car a short distance from the pines and just wait. Several (5) Spotted Flycatchers (Muscicapa striata), a Willow… Continue reading Songbird migration at Cildir Lake in eastern Turkey

Baumfalke auf dem Zug an der Schwarzmeerküste

Nachdem die Wolkendecke etwas aufgerissen ist und sich das Meer nicht mehr allzu stürmisch zeigt, kann ich gegen 7:30 einen tief anfliegenden Baumfalke (Falco subbuteo) mal richtig gut fotografieren. Es ist schon der Zweite seiner Art.  Der erste war so schnell, daß er einfach vorbeizieht. Aber der Zweite scheint zu jagen. Und zwar ging der… Continue reading Baumfalke auf dem Zug an der Schwarzmeerküste

Young Red-backed Shrike with wasp from apple compote

A young Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio) has snatched a wasp and is holding it in its beak before eating. During the photo session, the juvenile Red-backed Shrike made no attempt to smack the prey against a branch to expel the stinger from the insect’s body, in the manner of many other insectivorous birds such as… Continue reading Young Red-backed Shrike with wasp from apple compote

Songbird migration along the southern Black Sea coast

The roosting Red-backed Shrikes (Lanius collurio) are all juveniles. One has taken a long morning bath and is now shaking its wet feathers on a stick in the morning sun. Again and again the wings are spread, shaken and then placed one on top of the other. In particular, a tiny garden with runner beans… Continue reading Songbird migration along the southern Black Sea coast