The view of the shallow bay is just great. We are en route to explore the lagoons and coastal habitats between Liman, Narimanabad and Baliqcilar in southern Azerbaijan. The huge bay of Kizil Agach (another spelling: Qizilagach or Ghizil-Agaj) is the largest wetland in Transcaucasia. It is easily accessible from the causeway between Liman and… Continue reading Whiskered terns and waterfowl at estuary on the Caspian Sea of southern Azerbaijan
Tag: Little Grebe
Eared Grebe with a chick in Brandenburg
Eared Grebes (Podiceps nigricollis) with chicks are rarely seen, let alone observed in detail and photographed. While Little grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis) or Great Crested Grebes (Podiceps cristatus) too, can be found everywhere, at least in Europe, and at least one of the two species can be admired in fairly calm waters, Eared Grebes are much… Continue reading Eared Grebe with a chick in Brandenburg
Black-necked Grebes – vagabonds of the wetlands
Black-necked Grebes (Podiceps nigricollis) are really avian vagabonds with exciting distribution patterns and many open questions in behaviour. With their orange ears on their black heads and bright red eyes, Black-necked Grebes in their breeding plumage are eye-catchers and unmistakable. Outside the breeding season, not only Black-necked Grebes look significantly different. In the whitish-black plain… Continue reading Black-necked Grebes – vagabonds of the wetlands
Distribution patterns of Black-necked Grebes
Black-necked Grebes (Podiceps nigricollis) know how to use favorable conditions surprisingly spontaneously in individual years, as if “scouts” were permanently on the move, which guide other birds to new habitats and locations. One example is the spontaneous emergence of a breeding colony at the Alfsee in the Landkreis (district) Osnabrück in Lower Saxony in June… Continue reading Distribution patterns of Black-necked Grebes
Dancing in the Rain: a Coot
There are only remnants of the former alluvial forest belt along the Rhine between Bonn and Düsseldorf. Thick clouds stand over the Rhine near Cologne-Porz. A humid temperature, as it is not unusual for the Cologne Bay in summer. Reluctantly at first: drizzle. Then a rain shower pelts the relics of an alluvial forest in… Continue reading Dancing in the Rain: a Coot
Schwarzhalstaucher füttert sein Küken
Schwarzhalstaucher (Podiceps nigricollis) mit Küken sind gar nicht so häufig zu sehen geschweige denn zu beobachten. Während Zwergtaucher (Tachybaptus ruficollis) oder auch Haubentaucher (Podiceps cristatus) zumindest in Europa überall zu finden sind und auf einem einigermaßen ruhiges Gewässer mindestens eine der beiden Arten zu bewundern ist, machen sich Schwarzhalstaucher deutlich rarer. Wenn man diese lustigen… Continue reading Schwarzhalstaucher füttert sein Küken
Little Grebe: offspring in Brandenburg
A high rhythmic whine can be heard as soon as I enter the reservoir. But nothing can be seen. Then a ripple of the water surface in front of the reed belt can be seen. The duckweed rises and falls noticeably. Then a small, dark-black bird appears. It has a maroon neck and a bright… Continue reading Little Grebe: offspring in Brandenburg
Harter Winter – gute Vogelaufnahmen
Je härter der Winter, desto schwieriger ist die Futtersuche. An der Ostseeküste gilt das für die Vogelwelt besonders dann, wenn auf dem Blankensee, an den Havelseen oder gar der Ostsee das Wasser zufriert und offene Stellen selten werden. Dann überwinden die Vögel ihre natürliche Scheu und versuchen, in den Häfen auf Beutefang zu gehen. Für… Continue reading Harter Winter – gute Vogelaufnahmen
Die Reuselse Moeren als Vogelbeobachtungsgebiet
Wer die im Blog über die niederländischen Moorgebiete (Veen) beschriebenen Gebiete besuchen will oder auf dem Weg nach Texel, einen fotografischen Zwischenstopp einlegen will, dem bietet sich ein Abstecher zu dem Naturreservat Reuselse Moeren an. In der Nähe der Kleinstadt Bladel nicht weit von Eindhoven an der holländisch-belgischen Grenze – gut erreichbar über die A67… Continue reading Die Reuselse Moeren als Vogelbeobachtungsgebiet
Purpurreiher am Schlappeswörth
Die Erde auf dem Weg dampft noch von den sintflutartigen Regenfällen der vorangegangenen Tage. Heute soll es aber mal wieder sonnigeres Spätsommerwetter geben. Nun sind immerhin ein paar Sterne am Himmel zu sehen. Ein paar Wolkenlücken sind zu sehen. Es könnte doch noch ein schöner Morgen werden. Vor 6:00 mache ich mich vom Parkplatz in… Continue reading Purpurreiher am Schlappeswörth
Great Crested Grebes on floating nest
Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus) are common birds in Germany. Its population is therefore largely constant. Following severe persecution in the 19th century a significant recovery was observed since the mid-20th century. The grebes benefited mainly from the increase in the food supply of small fish in nutrient-rich waters. However, their habitat by water sports… Continue reading Great Crested Grebes on floating nest
Birding around Frankfurt Airport – Schwanheimer Duene
There are not too many foreign birdwatchers coming to the middle of Germany for just birding. But Frankfurt Airport (FRA) is the gateway to continental Europe. Many airlines use the Airport as a hub for connecting flights all over the world. If you have spare time between two flight and you are a birdwatcher, you… Continue reading Birding around Frankfurt Airport – Schwanheimer Duene