Whiskered terns and waterfowl at estuary on the Caspian Sea of southern Azerbaijan

The view of the shallow bay is just great. We are en route to explore the lagoons and coastal habitats between Liman, Narimanabad and Baliqcilar in southern Azerbaijan. The huge bay of Kizil Agach (another spelling: Qizilagach or Ghizil-Agaj) is the largest wetland in Transcaucasia. It is easily accessible from the causeway between Liman and… Continue reading Whiskered terns and waterfowl at estuary on the Caspian Sea of southern Azerbaijan

MONTENEGRO – a birding trip to the south-western Balkan in May

INTRODUCTION The main goal was to carry out the first vacation in post-Corona times. For this purpose, we were looking for a country that is rather relaxed when it comes to entering the country. Also in the foreground is to relax and to photograph the Rock Partridge or a few good eastern European Warblers and… Continue reading MONTENEGRO – a birding trip to the south-western Balkan in May

Streit bei Bruchwasserläufern

Fotoarbeiten mit Limikolen haben ihren ganz besonderen Reiz. Zahlreich sind sie während der Zugzeiten in Mitteleuropa zu beobachten. Dann sind auch mal spektakuläre Aufnahmen praktisch auf Augenhöhe möglich. Es ist noch dunkel als ich in dem Feuchtgebiet ankomme. Die Sterne schimmern zwar am Firmament; es scheint aber doch recht diesig zu sein. Es ist noch… Continue reading Streit bei Bruchwasserläufern

Waders at Lake Neusiedl

Most people thinking about Austria have immediately snow, mountains and hiking in mind. A very different, but extremely interesting picture, is offered for the birder in Burgenland, in the area around the lake Neusiedl. The question is, however, is a bird paradise at the same time also a photographer´s paradise? The landscape in the easternmost… Continue reading Waders at Lake Neusiedl

Little Egret at Ponta Delgada, Flores

A white bird standing calm near the sea. It is the Little Egret (Egretta garzetta). A small heron. As you would expect from a heron, this bird is beautiful, graceful and shows long legs, neck and beak. A solitary and patient fisherman, the bird is waiting for low tide to make ambushes in still waters… Continue reading Little Egret at Ponta Delgada, Flores

Silberreiher des Typs “modesta”

Silberreiher (Ardea alba) mit Merkmalen des Typs “modesta” waren bereits Gegenstand ausgiebiger Diskussionen im Club300.de. Diese Reiher zeichnen sich auf Anhieb durch ganz rote Beine und Füße und durch einen auffallend dünnen, völlig schwarzen Schnabel und in der Verlängerung einem hellblauen, türkisfarbener Zügel aus. Während einige vermuten, daß es sich bei Silberreiher um einen normalen… Continue reading Silberreiher des Typs “modesta”

Forster’s Tern, Sterna forsteri, as a vagrant for the Western Palearctic

Terns in general are excellent fliers, which may, from time to time, appear as vagrants outside of their home range. Forster’s Tern, Sterna forsteri, are no exception in that. Only some days ago, a Forster’s Tern was found on the coast of Ireland. An adult winter Forster’s Tern could be observed at Corronroo along with… Continue reading Forster’s Tern, Sterna forsteri, as a vagrant for the Western Palearctic

Caspian Seashore & Volga delta in May

Bird richness on the northern shore of the Caspian Sea is amazing. Caspian Sea is counted the largest inland body of water in the world. More than 100 rivers provide inflow to the Caspian, with the Volga River being the largest. Pristine floodplain forests, flooded grasslands to the horizon, eagles on almost every tree. A… Continue reading Caspian Seashore & Volga delta in May

Wolgadelta im Mai – Erfahrungen von Zug- und Brutvögeln

Weite ursprüngliche Auenwälder, überschwemmte Wiesen bis zum Horizont, Seeadler auf jedem Baum. Wo gibt es das – noch dazu in Europa? Dazu fährt man entweder ins Donaudelta oder noch viel weiter. Eine Gruppenreise führte in der ersten Hälfte des Monats Mai 1998 ins Wolgadelta südlich von Astrachan im südlichen Russland. Danach wurden die Hügel-Seen-Region und… Continue reading Wolgadelta im Mai – Erfahrungen von Zug- und Brutvögeln

Keoladeo National Park, a paradise also for Western Palearctic birds

Is it possible to combine business and birding in India? The country is large, the distance too and most business is performed in a metropolitan area – New Delhi. Although supposedly in the area of New Delhi only 250,000 people live after the Indian census of 2011, but there are at least several million in… Continue reading Keoladeo National Park, a paradise also for Western Palearctic birds

Bird Diversity in the Danube Delta

Bird Diversity in the delta of 2ndlargest river delta in Europe, after the Volga Delta is very high. Over 320 species of birds are found in the delta during the summer, of which 166 are breeding species. A group of bird-photographers decided to visit this site in May 2012 on a trip with Sakertours. Highlights of… Continue reading Bird Diversity in the Danube Delta