Schwarzhalstaucher (Podiceps nigricollis) sind wirklich Vagabunden mit spannenden Verbreitungs-mustern und vielen offenen Verhaltensfragen. Mit ihren orangefarbenen Ohrpuscheln am schwarzen Kopf und dem knallroten Auge sind Schwarzhalstaucher im Brutkleid ein Blickfang und unverkennbar. Außerhalb der Brutzeit sehen nicht nur Schwarzhalstaucher deutlich anders aus. Im weißlich-schwarzen Schlichtkleid sind Schwarzhalstaucher den Ohrentauchern (Podiceps auritus) verwirrend ähnlich. Ohrentaucher lassen… Continue reading Schwarzhalstaucher – Vagabunden der Feuchtgebiete
Tag: Alfsee
Black-necked Grebes – vagabonds of the wetlands
Black-necked Grebes (Podiceps nigricollis) are really avian vagabonds with exciting distribution patterns and many open questions in behaviour. With their orange ears on their black heads and bright red eyes, Black-necked Grebes in their breeding plumage are eye-catchers and unmistakable. Outside the breeding season, not only Black-necked Grebes look significantly different. In the whitish-black plain… Continue reading Black-necked Grebes – vagabonds of the wetlands
Distribution patterns of Black-necked Grebes
Black-necked Grebes (Podiceps nigricollis) know how to use favorable conditions surprisingly spontaneously in individual years, as if “scouts” were permanently on the move, which guide other birds to new habitats and locations. One example is the spontaneous emergence of a breeding colony at the Alfsee in the Landkreis (district) Osnabrück in Lower Saxony in June… Continue reading Distribution patterns of Black-necked Grebes