Their nests are never far from water. The bulky structures are often high on a pylon for the power supply. Sometimes the nests are scattered over the landscape, sometimes they are not far from a road or a village. A nest of the Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) not far from a parallel main road made me… Continue reading Ospreys attack White-tailed Eagle at the nest
Tag: Osprey
Vogelfotografie auf Sanibel Island
Hunderte verschiedener Wasservögel säumen die Ufer und suchen nach Nahrung, darunter Nashornpelikane (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos), Braunpelikane (Pelecanus occidentalis), Ohrenscharben (Phalacrocorax auritus), Schmuckreiher (Egretta thula), Kanadareiher (Ardea herodias), Silberreiher (Casmerodius albus), (weiße) Ibisse (Eudocimus albus), Rosalöffler (Ajaia ajaja). Einer der interessantesten Vögel ist der Kleine Blaureiher (Egretta caerulea). Wie ein Gaukler bewegt er sich beim Fischen durch… Continue reading Vogelfotografie auf Sanibel Island
Bird Migration in Eilat/ Israel
Birding in Israel in general is unique. But the observation of the spring migration of thousands of raptors is literally breathtaking. The Steppe Buzzard (Buteo buteo vulpinus) is one of the first raptors, you can observe migrating. On good days, migration starts as early as before 8 am. Then the birds pass the city of… Continue reading Bird Migration in Eilat/ Israel
Young Whinchat on summer morning
A fresh morning. Thick layers of fog are lying over the wetlands of the Nuthe floodplain south of Berlin. The weather forecast was perfect and everywhere there were numerous motives. So I took advantage of every free minute in the morning to be outside. The meadows along the river offer a diverse habitat structure. One… Continue reading Young Whinchat on summer morning
Birding around Berlin – Reckahner Teiche
Berlin, the capital of Germany is a top tourist destination. Many airlines use the Airport of Berlin, but it is possible to take a flight to Frankfurt/ Main as well and drive with a rented car in roughly half a day. If you have spare time between two tourist attractions, are fed-up with the museum… Continue reading Birding around Berlin – Reckahner Teiche
Birding around Frankfurt Airport – NSG Lampertheimer Altrhein
Frankfurt Airport (FRA) is the gateway to continental Europe. Many airlines use the Airport as a hub for connecting flights all over the world. If you have some more spare time but only 2 hours between two flights, you might be interested to know, where you can find good places to stretch your legs, enjoy… Continue reading Birding around Frankfurt Airport – NSG Lampertheimer Altrhein
Bearded Tits south of Berlin
Although the capital of Germany, Berlin has a lot to offer in terms of nature, too. In addition to the natural richness this is a legacy of the division of Germany, which has prevented the city´s spread after the end of the 2nd World War like in no other city. This means, that even today… Continue reading Bearded Tits south of Berlin
Birding around Frankfurt Airport – Kuehkopf-Knoblochsaue
Frankfurt Airport (FRA) is the gateway to continental Europe. Many airlines use the Airport as a hub for connecting flights all over the world. If you have spare time between two flight and you are a birdwatcher, you might be interested to know, where you can find good places to stretch your legs, enjoy fresh… Continue reading Birding around Frankfurt Airport – Kuehkopf-Knoblochsaue
Birding around Frankfurt Airport – Wagbachniederung:
Frankfurt Airport (FRA) is the gateway to continental Europe. Many airlines use the Airport as a hub for connecting flights all over the world. If you are coming from Frankfurt Airport and heading down to the south for e.g. Munich or Stuttgart or the Black Forest, you might consider to squeeze in a morning of… Continue reading Birding around Frankfurt Airport – Wagbachniederung: