Während die goldenen Farbtöne der Morgendämmerung über den Himmel zu streifen beginnen, erwacht ein ruhiger See inmitten üppiger Vegetation im Morgenlicht. Zuerst ist das Schnattern der Enten, Schnatterenten (Anas strepera), Stockenten (Anas platyrhynchos), Löffelenten (Anas clypeata) und Krickenten (Anas crecca) zu hören. Mit dem Aufstieg der Sonne sind dann auch die ersten Libellen (Odonata sp.)… Continue reading Ballett über dem See: Tanz der Baumfalke über Weiher
Tag: Eurasian Hobby
Eurasian Hobby on the migration along the Black Sea coast of Türkiye
After the thick cloud cover has broken up a bit and the sea is no longer too stormy, I can take really good pictures of a low-flying Eurasian Hobby (Falco subbuteo) in the early morning lights. It’s already the second of its kind. The first was so fast that it simply passes. But the second… Continue reading Eurasian Hobby on the migration along the Black Sea coast of Türkiye
Eurasian Hobby in Brandenburg’s pine forests
It is evening. A cloud bank blocks the sun. There will probably be rain. A flock of small reaptors flying gracefully low over the grasslands fascinates me. They look like falcons, I still think. Suddenly someone comes flying at high speed over the grove in front of me. Yes, definitely Eurasian Hobby (Falco subbuteo). They… Continue reading Eurasian Hobby in Brandenburg’s pine forests
Baumfalke auf dem Zug an der Schwarzmeerküste
Nachdem die Wolkendecke etwas aufgerissen ist und sich das Meer nicht mehr allzu stürmisch zeigt, kann ich gegen 7:30 einen tief anfliegenden Baumfalke (Falco subbuteo) mal richtig gut fotografieren. Es ist schon der Zweite seiner Art. Der erste war so schnell, daß er einfach vorbeizieht. Aber der Zweite scheint zu jagen. Und zwar ging der… Continue reading Baumfalke auf dem Zug an der Schwarzmeerküste
Pied Wheatear only 150 km south of Berlin
According to ornitho.de a Pied Wheatear (Oenanthe pleschanka) can now be seen far north of its regular distribution/ breeding area. This male individual, now molting into new plumage, can currently be seen on the Alte Elbe near Kathewitz; approx. 10 km as the crow flies from Torgau in northern Saxonia. When I came to the… Continue reading Pied Wheatear only 150 km south of Berlin
Red-footed Falcons in Berlin and Brandenburg
In case of observations of Red-footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus) it is important to rule out other small falcons. The type of hovering of the Red-footed Falcon is often called useful for species identification. In a case of observation in the Lower Flaeming, 50km south of Berlin, this was very helpful. The gentle hilly landscape of… Continue reading Red-footed Falcons in Berlin and Brandenburg
Rotfussfalken im Niederen Fläming
Der frühe Morgen hatte schon einen Steinschmätzer (Oenanthe oenanthe) auf dem Zug ergeben. Die sanfte Hügellandschaft des Niederen Fläming ist stark landwirtschaftlich geprägt. Daher bilden Beregnungsanlagen und Strommasten bereits Landmarken. Ein Pumpwerk in der Nähe von Bochow wird mit Stromleitungen an das E-Netz angeschlossen. Auf den Leitungen sitzen zwei recht zierliche Vögel, die schon aus… Continue reading Rotfussfalken im Niederen Fläming
Imperial Eagle near border of Eastern Germany
A fresh summer morning with a steel-blue sky opened the day. In front of the steel-blue sky over the Zichow forest in the Randowbruch only 10 km away from the polish border, raptors are circling up in the air. One of them is strikingly different. Red Kites (Milvus milvus) circle around him and – after… Continue reading Imperial Eagle near border of Eastern Germany
Eurasian Hobby in the Belziger Landschaftswiesen
A misty and chilly morning. After weeks without rain, the drizzling rain kept going already for a while. A wet falcon was sitting crooked on a pole in some distance. Obviously not very comfortable in the rain. The view through the scope revealed a Eurasian Hobby (Falcon. subbuteo), also known as the Northern Hobby rested… Continue reading Eurasian Hobby in the Belziger Landschaftswiesen
New Natura 2000 bird sanctuary: Bergstrasse Dossenheim – Schriesheim
On 11 December 2014, the first information boards for the Natura 2000 bird sanctuary “Bergstrasse Dossenheim – Schriesheim“were presented to public by the Chairman of the BUND Dossenheim, Dermot O’Connor. The press is coming soon. When designing the images for the info panel – inter alia the Wryneck (Jynx torquilla), Middle Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos medius),… Continue reading New Natura 2000 bird sanctuary: Bergstrasse Dossenheim – Schriesheim
Hobbies pull over the Nyika Plateau – Malawi
The Nyika National Park, in the north-western corner of Malawi is the largest National Park in Malawi. It spreads over 3,000 sq km. On the Nyika Plateau at an altitude of approx. 2,000 m asl and above you can find typical grassland and mountainous vegetation. Wide gently rolling grasslands alternate with valleys covered with fern.… Continue reading Hobbies pull over the Nyika Plateau – Malawi
Birding around Frankfurt Airport – NSG Lampertheimer Altrhein
Frankfurt Airport (FRA) is the gateway to continental Europe. Many airlines use the Airport as a hub for connecting flights all over the world. If you have some more spare time but only 2 hours between two flights, you might be interested to know, where you can find good places to stretch your legs, enjoy… Continue reading Birding around Frankfurt Airport – NSG Lampertheimer Altrhein