Die Guaporé-Feuchtgebiete ist im Winter eine weite Ebene, in der sich Graslandschaften und Wald abwechselt. Eines Morgens stehe ich an einer seicht überfluteten Rinderweide, die gerade dem Wald abgerungen wurde. Nicht weit ist es an die ruhigen Ufern des Guaporé-Flusses, wo Brasilien auf Bolivien trifft. Die Stille des Wintermorgen wird nur durch die sanften Rufe… Continue reading Watvögel der Guaporé-Tiefebene: ein Winterparadies für gefiederte Reisende
Tag: Tringa flavipes
Stilt Sandpiper: A Winter Visit to the Guaporé River Wetlands
When the sun rises over the lowlands of eastern Brazil, painting the Guaporé River in hues of gold, I catch a sight of slender-legged birds wading gracefully in the shallows. First I think of a Greater Yellowlegs (Tringa melanoleuca). And one of the bird is a Greater Yellowlegs. But among the other waders I identify… Continue reading Stilt Sandpiper: A Winter Visit to the Guaporé River Wetlands
Ein Moment am Kieselstrand von Ballycastle: Sanderlinge und ein einsamer Alpenstrandläufer
Es ist früher Morgen und das mit Kieselsteinen übersäte Ufer ist erfüllt vom leisen Geschnatter der Watvögel. Unter ihnen huscht ein großer Schwarm Sanderlinge (Calidris alba) hin und her, wobei ihr helles Gefieder mit den gedämpften Tönen des Strandes verschmilzt. Sie fallen direkt auf. Sie flitzen im Rhythmus der Wellen umher und ernähren sich gierig… Continue reading Ein Moment am Kieselstrand von Ballycastle: Sanderlinge und ein einsamer Alpenstrandläufer
Zugvögel auf der Mullet Peninsula in der Grafschaft Mayo
Wenn sich die kühle Herbstluft über Mayo legt, erwachen die windgepeitschten Landschaften von Annagh Head und der Mullet Peninsula zum Leben. Diese Küstengebiete, die für ihre raue Schönheit bekannt sind, werden zu einem Paradies für durchziehende und überwinternde Vögel und ziehen Vogelliebhaber von nah und fern an. Die Mullet Peninsula und Annagh Head liegen strategisch… Continue reading Zugvögel auf der Mullet Peninsula in der Grafschaft Mayo
Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis) near Camperduin/ Noord Holland
A small road and a deep ditch are one of the ingredients of a birdwatching trip in Noord-Holland. Right now, an additional add-on is the sighting of a Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis). This Egret is rare in middle Europe but a common inhabitant of southern Europe. If you want to save time and distance you… Continue reading Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis) near Camperduin/ Noord Holland
Remarks to wintering Solitary Sandpipers (Tringa solitaria) in the Pantanal
During scientific research in the northern Pantanal between the 20th of December 2012 and the 10th of January 2013 I often observe Solitary Sandpipers along the muddy ditches on a farm. Of the two subspecies of the solitary sandpiper recognized the subspecies present probably was Tringa solitaria solitaria which usually has a more well-defined streak… Continue reading Remarks to wintering Solitary Sandpipers (Tringa solitaria) in the Pantanal
Sandhill Cranes in Bosque Del Apache NWR at Sunset
Every evening a very special spectacle occurs in this beautiful Wildlife Refuge in the south of New Mexico. Sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) arrive at the “crane pools” at the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge each evening. Having spent the day feeding in nearby corn fields, they will overnight standing in the shallow pools of… Continue reading Sandhill Cranes in Bosque Del Apache NWR at Sunset
Pulli – young birds on Northern Sea Coast
Spending the yearly vacation this time in the Netherlands, it was possible to look for birds as well. Besides an observation of an adult Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes) north of Callantsoog in the newly established nature reserve “The Nollen van Abbestede”, I could see a lot of young birds – the so-called pulli – of… Continue reading Pulli – young birds on Northern Sea Coast
Pectoral Sandpiper (Calidris melanotos) on Laguna Alalay – Bolivia
Early morning, 5:30 am. Haze over the water and I am watching through my camouflage tent here on the edge of Laguna Alalay on 2,600 m (asl). Waders are my main interest. At 4:30 am I got up already. The starry sky promised a nice day. In fact, at 5:00 am I pitched my tent… Continue reading Pectoral Sandpiper (Calidris melanotos) on Laguna Alalay – Bolivia
Next Rarity for Noord Holland – a Glossy Ibis
According to a report from waarneming.nl a Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus), a species from the birds family of the Ibises and Spoonbills (Threskiornithidae) could be observed on July 1st 2014 near Heemskerk in the Heemskerker Noordbroekpolder than in Heemskerk in the Waterberging Noorderveldjust south of Castricum. After the Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes) at the coast… Continue reading Next Rarity for Noord Holland – a Glossy Ibis
Lesser Yellowlegs near Callantsoog/ Noord Holland – NL
Right now, it is possible to see a rare Tringa-wader in a Nature reserve at the coast of Noord Holland between Den Helder and Callantsoog. An adult Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes) can be observed north of Callantsoog in the newly established nature reserve “The Nollen van Abbestede”. After a report two days ago it could… Continue reading Lesser Yellowlegs near Callantsoog/ Noord Holland – NL
Bird migration and regional circulation in the Pantanal
Whereas long-distance bird migration for aquatic bird species is roughly understood there are other movements of birds between especially the lower Paraná River valley wetlands in Argentina, and the south Brazil/Pantanal wetlands which are far from clear. Besides the fact, that the global patterns of Summer/ Winter north and south of the equator determines the… Continue reading Bird migration and regional circulation in the Pantanal