Juvenile meadow pipit in the morning dew of Ireland

In the early morning hours, when the meadows are still covered in dew, meadow pipits (Anthus pratensis) are particularly active. The dew protects their food – mostly small insects and spiders – from drying out, making them easier to find. The coolness of the morning means they are still quite damp. Meadow pipits move skilfully… Continue reading Juvenile meadow pipit in the morning dew of Ireland

Arctic Tern with caught fish on return flight

I recently had the incredible opportunity to observe and photograph a male Arctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea) during its return flight with a caught fish on the southern coast of Ireland. Witnessing this elegant bird in action was a truly remarkable experience. We positioned ourselves in an area known for Arctic Tern activity, hoping to capture… Continue reading Arctic Tern with caught fish on return flight

Roseate Terns at Lady’s Island in southern Ireland

Imagine walking along the tranquil shores of the Irish Sea and Atlantic Ocean, the rhythmic waves gently touching the sand. Suddenly a delicate bird catches your eye – its slender shape and graceful flight are a testament to nature’s elegance. This is the Roseate Tern (Sterna dougallii), a very bright, graceful seabird that occasionally displays… Continue reading Roseate Terns at Lady’s Island in southern Ireland

Waders on migration on Malaysia´s West coast

2 Terek Sandpiper (Xenus cinereus) are waiting at the waterline in front of the Gold Coast Morib Resort. But even waders cannot cope with a rapidly rising tide. The flock of various species of shorebirds had already begun to gather and were being pushed closer to shore by the rising water level. Some small mangrove… Continue reading Waders on migration on Malaysia´s West coast

Arctic Terns, globetrotters of the planet

The Arctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea) is a real globetrotter. She is graceful in flight and downright dainty. This makes their worldwide occurrence all the more amazing. The birds breed around the Arctic Ocean to the northern tip of Greenland at almost 84°N and still comes regularly to breed on the North Sea coast at 54°N.… Continue reading Arctic Terns, globetrotters of the planet

A memory of a Pterosaur

An image that could have come from a book about pterosaurs due to the monochrome background of a late afternoon sky. A larger winged animal is being chased by a tern against a pinkish-gray sky. The body posture or the cutout from a body turn seems almost artistic and unusual. Although, the background of the… Continue reading A memory of a Pterosaur

Aufregung in Möwenkolonie

Schon seit einiger Zeit waren hin- und herfliegende Zwergdommeln (Ixobrychus minutus) an den Linumer Teichen nicht mehr gesichtet worden. Plötzlich gibt es Aufregung an einem der Brutflöße einer Möwenkolonie (eigentlich eine gemischte Kolonie aus Lachmöwe (Larus ridibundus) und Flußseeschwalbe (Sterna hirundo)). Einige Jungvögel hatten einen ersten Ausflug vom Brutfloß gewagt und schwammen nun im Umkreis… Continue reading Aufregung in Möwenkolonie

Little Terns breeding in Brandenburg

The gravel and sand pit opens up a view like over a prehistoric river landscape. Between shallow water areas, sandy areas, reeds the blue water sparkles. The edges of the pit are separated by heaped dams from the agricultural land. Suddenly a bird emerges at about the edge of the dam, which is characterized by… Continue reading Little Terns breeding in Brandenburg

Zwergseeschwalben an der mittleren Elbe

Die Kies- und Sandgrube eröffnet einen Blick wie auf eine urzeitliche Flußlandschaft. Zwischen Flachwasserbereichen, Sandflächen, Schilf funkelt das blaue Wasser. Die Ränder der Grube sind durch aufgeschüttete Dämme von den landwirtschaftlichen Flächen abgetrennt. Da taucht ein Vogel ungefähr auf Höhe der Dammkante auf, der sich durch einen eigentümlichen Flug auszeichnet. Wie abgehackt wirkt die Flügelbewegung… Continue reading Zwergseeschwalben an der mittleren Elbe

Das Wattenmeer: Alpenstrandläufer im Streit

Im Mai letzten Jahres war ich eine Woche auf der Insel Norderney, im ostfriesischen Wattenmeergebiet. Die Küste und die Dünenlandschaft mit der dort heimischen Flora und Fauna sind für Fotografen immer ein lohnendes Ziel. Ich befand mich gerade am Strand. Ein Trupp durchziehender Alpenstrandläufer (Calidris alpina) landete nicht allzu weit von dem im feuchten Sand… Continue reading Das Wattenmeer: Alpenstrandläufer im Streit

Sandy beaches on Sylt

Bar-tailed Godwits (Limosa lapponica), Eurasian Curlews (Numenius arquata), Spotted Redshanks (Tringa erythropus), Curlew Sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea) and – maybe – even one Terek Sandpiper (Xenus cinereus) in the backlight of the evening.  Some flocks of waders are flying in. Evening mood at the Lister Ellenbogen (elbow). You might think you are alone in the world.… Continue reading Sandy beaches on Sylt

Common Kingfisher feeding female

A Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) on its perch is the image! Many nature photographers are keen on getting on – or more – of this. Highlight is action, which could mean feeding or diving for food. Between February and March of Kingfisher starts dating. Before Kingfishers are ready to mate, the female have to be… Continue reading Common Kingfisher feeding female