MONTENEGRO – a birding trip to the south-western Balkan in May

INTRODUCTION The main goal was to carry out the first vacation in post-Corona times. For this purpose, we were looking for a country that is rather relaxed when it comes to entering the country. Also in the foreground is to relax and to photograph the Rock Partridge or a few good eastern European Warblers and… Continue reading MONTENEGRO – a birding trip to the south-western Balkan in May

Buljarica Marsh with rare guest: Eurasian Thick-knee

We walk along a narrow pebble beach in the middle of Montenegro’s Adriatic Sea. We’ve seen a lot of birds here already. Really remarkable this time is not only a Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus), which stands on the coarse gravel directly at the waterline, but also a Eurasian Thick-knee (Burhinus oedicnemus), which we observe a… Continue reading Buljarica Marsh with rare guest: Eurasian Thick-knee

Triel über dem Sumpf von Buljarica

Wir laufen entlang eines schmalen Kiesstrandes mitten an Montenegros Adria. Hier hatten wir schon viele Vögel gesehen. Wirklich bemerkenswert ist diesmal aber nicht nur ein Stelzenläufer (Himantopus himantopus), der auf dem groben Kies direkt an der Wasserlinie steht sondern auch noch ein Triel (Burhinus oedicnemus), den wir einige Male beobachten, weil er immer wieder am… Continue reading Triel über dem Sumpf von Buljarica