Bird migration on the edge of the Eifel

Beginning of October is the best time to observe migratory birds near a hill called Tötschberg or Toetschberg in the Eifel. It was still twilight when I arrived at the Bürvenicher Berg which is opposite to the Tötschberg, located at about 246m above sea level. In front of me the expanse of the Zülpicher Börde,… Continue reading Bird migration on the edge of the Eifel

Common Redstart on top of a nesting box

So far, the spring retreat for the Common Redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus) was the forest behind the farming house. His choppy vocals had been heard over and over again. A male Common Redstart had obviously been able to warm up for an old nesting box on the edge of the forest in May. In the beginning… Continue reading Common Redstart on top of a nesting box

Save a young European Starling

A European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) tears its beak wide open and presents its orange-yellow throat. Ist mothers prey is quickly stuck in his throat. What sounds like an everyday story in the breeding season of Starlings could mean the last meal for the young European Starling. It has been raining the whole day. The blades… Continue reading Save a young European Starling

Goldregenpfeifer in Kiebitztrupp

Ein Goldregenpfeifer (Pluvialis apricaria) im Trupp der Kiebitze (Vanellus vanellus) ist auch in den Niederungen der Nieplitz und Nuthe nicht alltäglich. Im zeitigen Frühjahr oder zu Herbstbeginn sieht man auf den überschwemmten Wiesen große Kiebitzschwärme, die hin und wieder mit einigen Goldregenpfeifern vermischt sind. Nun sind die Wiesen leicht überschwemmt. Es war auffällig, wie der… Continue reading Goldregenpfeifer in Kiebitztrupp

Stare im Apfelbaum

Ein lautes Zwitschern ist selbst durch das geschlossene Autofenster zu hören. Dicht hängen schwarze Vögel mit leuchtendem Gefieder auf den Früchten in einem Obstgarten, der einige hochstämmige Apfelbäume aufweist. Es muß sich um einen Trupp handeln der in die Hunderte geht. Es sind Stare (Sturnus vulgaris), die sich auf ihren Nahrungsinvasionen hier mal kurz niedergelassen… Continue reading Stare im Apfelbaum

Ungeheuerwiesen in winter

This winter wildlife heaven is often full of birds. Probably the most spectacular (and noisy) are the thrushes and European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) to feast on the unfrozen meadows. Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus) winter out on the remote parts of the meadows, but will regularly hunt the lakes and wetland down to the shores of… Continue reading Ungeheuerwiesen in winter

Observations of a Great Reed-Warbler in the Rhine Valley

Based on a message in in the beginning of May I when visited the Schiersteiner water works in the vicinity of Wiesbaden in the Rheingau region. This area is about 50 km west from the Frankfurt city center. A singing Reed Warbler had been seen. Maybe a nice photo opportunity. Shortyl after arrival at… Continue reading Observations of a Great Reed-Warbler in the Rhine Valley