A young, rain-soaked Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio) has taken advantage of the rain to snag a stunted wasp and proudly display it to the photographer. During the recording, the juvenile red-backed shrike made no attempt to smack the prey against a branch in the manner of many other insectivorous birds – just to mention the… Continue reading Red-backed Shrike with a wasp in its beak
Tag: Basköy gorge
Young Red-backed Shrike with wasp from apple compote
A young Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio) has snatched a wasp and is holding it in its beak before eating. During the photo session, the juvenile Red-backed Shrike made no attempt to smack the prey against a branch to expel the stinger from the insect’s body, in the manner of many other insectivorous birds such as… Continue reading Young Red-backed Shrike with wasp from apple compote