Kurzzehenlerchenjunges in Rumänien

An Rumäniens Schwarzmeerküste ist der Mai die Zeit des Vogelzugs und der frühen Brutzeit. Nachdem wir viele der besten Vögel auf der Donau und in den Macin-Bergen gesehen hatten, machte sich eine kleine Gruppe von Vogelfotografen auf den Weg in den Steppenlebensraum weiter südlich. In diesem schönen Lebensraum in der Dobrudscha/Dobrudscha bei Constanta konnten wir… Continue reading Kurzzehenlerchenjunges in Rumänien

Saih al-Salam, paradise in the midst of semi-desert and acacia savannah in the Emirates

The first chains of Sandgrouse appear early in the morning. Still, it is remarkably cool. But very soon, the air will be heatened up to the highest degrees. Sandgrouses do not only arrive quenching their thirst on the extensive waters. Species such as the Arabian Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse (Pterocles exustus erlangeri) and Pin-tailed Sandgrouse (Pterocles alchata)… Continue reading Saih al-Salam, paradise in the midst of semi-desert and acacia savannah in the Emirates

Oriental Skylark versus Eurasian Skylark

The Oriental Skylark (Alauda gulgula) is basically an “eastern” species.  Nonetheless, the species is a local migrant and winter visitor in Israel. The best places to observe them are the are alfalfa and lucerne fields in the valleys. During migration periods, these larks are regularly seen along the Mediterranean coast. The Lesser Skylark is often… Continue reading Oriental Skylark versus Eurasian Skylark

Bird migration at the Stockert in the Eifel hills

A beautiful autumn day. Indian Summer, as written in the books. This time it is to go to the Eifel to hill Stockert south of Euskirchen where bird migration at day can be observed. It was still dark when I arrived. The first bird whispers were heard already . It was mainly chickadees whose calls… Continue reading Bird migration at the Stockert in the Eifel hills

Migratory birds herald spring

Last weekend, you could observe heavy traffic in the skies over Frankfurt/ Germany. Although winter is not ready to lower its grip the first returning migrants already point to the imminent end of the cold season. In recent weeks, Eurasian Skylarks  (Alauda arvensis), and Northern Lapwings (Vanellus vanellus), were seen already on their return. Particularly… Continue reading Migratory birds herald spring