Der Kranichzug hat begonnen. Tausende von Kraniche (Grus grus), auch „Vögel des Glücks“ genannt, können derzeit auch in Brandenburg auf ihrem Zug in den Süden unter markanten und lautstarken Trompetenrufen beobachtet werden. Das unvergessliche Naturerlebnis bietet sich im September und Oktober jeden Jahres. Mit ihren legendären Trompetenrufen fliegen Tausende von Kranichen am blauen Himmel, kreisen… Continue reading Kranichzug in den Süden
Tag: linum
Common Cranes over Brandenburg
Migration of the Common Crane (Grus grus) has started. Thousands of these birds, also known as “birds of luck”, can currently be observed in Brandenburg on their way to the southern wintering sites under distinctive and loud trumpet calls. The unforgettable nature experience is offered in September and October every year. With their legendary trumpet… Continue reading Common Cranes over Brandenburg
Migratory birds herald spring
Last weekend, you could observe heavy traffic in the skies over Frankfurt/ Germany. Although winter is not ready to lower its grip the first returning migrants already point to the imminent end of the cold season. In recent weeks, Eurasian Skylarks (Alauda arvensis), and Northern Lapwings (Vanellus vanellus), were seen already on their return. Particularly… Continue reading Migratory birds herald spring