The morning light is fantastic this morning in southern Sri Lanka very close to the famous Bundala National Park. After we have already been very successful with some water birds, we now want to dedicate ourselves to a wintering bird from Central Asia. I was just able to photograph a female Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)… Continue reading Pallas’s Grasshopper-Warbler searching in Sri Lanka
Category: Birds of Sri Lanka
Caspian Tern on southern shores
„Among the vast hordes of sea birds nesting in the great colonies of the southern Atlantic and Gulf coasts, this king of all the terns may be seen climbing into the air on its long, strong wings, its big red bill wide open, yelling out its loud raucous cry of defiance. As the dominant, ruling… Continue reading Caspian Tern on southern shores
Small Pratincole at Yala NP beach/ Sri Lankas
Tiny grains of sand whirl up. The wind on the southern coast of Sri Lanka is very decent again. There is sand and salt in the air. The combination of wind, sand drifts and blazing sun does not allow many visitors to enjoy the beautiful beach just 100 meters from the hotel in the dunes.… Continue reading Small Pratincole at Yala NP beach/ Sri Lankas
White-bellied Fish-Eagle in Yala NP
If you are an eagle fan and think that there are masses of White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) on the Volga or even think that Brandenburg is densely populated with this bird species, you really have to go to the Lunugamvehera National Park in the south of Sri Lanka. Such a density of large fish-eating eagles… Continue reading White-bellied Fish-Eagle in Yala NP
Marshall’s Iora in Sri Lanka
Marshall’s Iora (Aegithina nigrolutea) – recently called White-tailed Iora – is endemic to the Indian Subcontinent, where it prefers lowland thorn scrub and tree groves. It is closely related to the Common Iora (Aegithina tiphia) and the two were previously considered conspecific. In Sri Lanka I had the opportunity to observe a male neaer the… Continue reading Marshall’s Iora in Sri Lanka
White-browed Fantail flying over a fountain
The White-browed Fantail (Rhipidura aureola) is aiming for its future “bathtub” in low flight. A little later, the drops will splash for several meters. The White-browed Fantail had already bathed extensively in the shallow fountain a few minutes before. The feathers are soaked with water. The White-browed Fantail is obviously not afraid of water. Proper… Continue reading White-browed Fantail flying over a fountain
Oriental Skylark versus Eurasian Skylark
The Oriental Skylark (Alauda gulgula) is basically an “eastern” species. Nonetheless, the species is a local migrant and winter visitor in Israel. The best places to observe them are the are alfalfa and lucerne fields in the valleys. During migration periods, these larks are regularly seen along the Mediterranean coast. The Lesser Skylark is often… Continue reading Oriental Skylark versus Eurasian Skylark