Ein Trupp Watvögel fliegt an der Wasserkante entlang. Gegen eine schnell steigende Flut kommen auch Limikolen nicht an. Die Ansammlung verschiedener Arten von Watvögeln hatte bereits begonnen, sich zu sammeln und wurde von dem steigenden Wasserspiegel näher an die Küste gedrängt. Einige kleine Mangrovensträucher/-bäume bieten etwas Schutz. Es gibt einige Glanzkrähe (Corvus splendens) und Brahminenweihe… Continue reading Watvögel auf dem Zug in Malaysia
Tag: Charadrius mongolus
Waders on migration on Malaysia´s West coast
2 Terek Sandpiper (Xenus cinereus) are waiting at the waterline in front of the Gold Coast Morib Resort. But even waders cannot cope with a rapidly rising tide. The flock of various species of shorebirds had already begun to gather and were being pushed closer to shore by the rising water level. Some small mangrove… Continue reading Waders on migration on Malaysia´s West coast
Limikolen auf St. Lawrence
Vor einem die Steilküste Kamtschatka, der Halbinsel im ostasiatischen Teil Russlands hinter einem baumfreie, Tundra-bedeckte Hügel. Für den Zugvogelzug ist die Nordwestspitze der Insel St. Lawrence eine der besten Stellen weltweit. Neben Seevögeln sind es vor allem die Limikolen, die einem westpaläarktischen Beobachter, die Abwechslung nahe verwandter heimischer Arten oder bisher unbekannter Unterarten möglich machen.… Continue reading Limikolen auf St. Lawrence
Passerine vagrants on St. Paul – Pribilof Islands
As the plane gets closer to the barren island of St. Paul, the first impression is Brown und Olive-green. Later we see that there are not only brown and olive colors on the island. Metre-high waves of a dark blue sea are breaking against the rugged, rocky coast which is shimmering black. As we land,… Continue reading Passerine vagrants on St. Paul – Pribilof Islands
Pintail Snipe on a remote US-Island in the northern Pacific/ Alaska
Gambell, a small village on the north-western tip of the remote St. Lawrence Island is an outstanding outpost not only for North American Birders. A short trip with only a few days with High Lonesome yielded all sorts of good birds, both Asian and North American origin. During a 6-day trip guided by the tour… Continue reading Pintail Snipe on a remote US-Island in the northern Pacific/ Alaska
Zugvogelraritäten auf den Pribilofs
Die kleine Saab-Propellermaschine ist schon seit gut einer Stunde über dem unendlichen nördlichen Pazifik unterwegs als in weiter Ferne ein brauner Streif Inseln im windgepeitschten Meer der Beringsee auftauchen. Das sind die Pribilofs. Wir steuern St. Paul an. Der Flug hat immerhin gut 3 Stunden mit Unterbrechung in einem verlassenen Nest gedauert. Braun ist die… Continue reading Zugvogelraritäten auf den Pribilofs
Newly discovered wintering location for Spoon-billed Sandpiper
Spoon-billed Sandpipers (Calidris pygmaea) are one of the big megas in birding space. This charismatic species is listed as Critically Endangered because it has already an extremely small population. Population distribution is limited for the breeding range from the Chukotsk peninsula south to Kamchatka. The bird migrates from north-eastern Russia down the western Pacific coast… Continue reading Newly discovered wintering location for Spoon-billed Sandpiper
Spoon-billed Sandpipers and other waders in Thailand on wintering grounds
The Spoon-billed Sandpiper is one of the big megas in the birding space – not only for twitchers, but Thailand in general is an excellent birding destination. During a trip to Thailand in January 2011 I was looking for wintering birds from the palearctic. The whole trip was a great success, seeing especially many waders… Continue reading Spoon-billed Sandpipers and other waders in Thailand on wintering grounds
Bird migration in late fall on Seychelles – an abstract
Escaping the cold and shorts days in Germany in late fall is a real privilege. This time the target was the Seychelles Islands. Relaxing and birdwatching is both possible on these famous island near the equator. Whereas the bigger islands as Mahé or Praslin are famous for its endemic (and rare) land birds the smaller… Continue reading Bird migration in late fall on Seychelles – an abstract
Cranes on Happy Island, Chinas´s Helgoland, Part I
China’s Helgoland? Is there such a thing? Well, it depends on what you consider to be the specific characteristic of the “Shijiu Tuo Island” or “Bodhi Island” (in English simply “Happy Island”) mentioned island. Shijiu Tuo Island or simple Happy Island, about 3 hours drive from the seaside resort of Beidaihe located on the Yellow… Continue reading Cranes on Happy Island, Chinas´s Helgoland, Part I