Vagrant Eurasian Golden-Oriole on Bird Island

In the early morning a quiet walk in the wood to Passe Hirondelle. Right near the farm building quite a big thrush-like bird landed on some vegetation. Just a second, than the bird flew away. Fortunately not far so I could follow for a while and took a picture of the bird which turned out… Continue reading Vagrant Eurasian Golden-Oriole on Bird Island

Kaptölpel an Südafrikas Westküste

Kaptölpel (Morus capensis) oder – auf Englisch – Cape Ganets brüten auf Bird Island bei Lamberts Bay zwischen Oktober und Februar. Die Insel ist eine der wenigen Orte, an der die Kaptölpel brüten. Knapp 300 km nördlich von Kapstadt, an der südafrikanischen Westküste liegt diese Insel. Die Insel ist knapp 3 Hektar groß und liegt… Continue reading Kaptölpel an Südafrikas Westküste

White-tailed Tropicbird – in Cumbria/ Great Britain

Here are very interesting news, mainly for twitchers in Great Britain: White-tailed Tropicbird – in Cumbria?! | British Birds. But maybe, birdwatchers from the continent are also interested in that remarkable dead bird. Found on the tideline at Mawbray Bank in Cumbria on 6th January, by Peter Scott of Workington, this White-tailed Tropicbird (Phaethon lepturus)is… Continue reading White-tailed Tropicbird – in Cumbria/ Great Britain

Bird migration in late fall on Seychelles – an abstract

Escaping the cold and shorts days in Germany in late fall is a real privilege. This time the target was the Seychelles Islands. Relaxing and birdwatching is both possible on these famous island near the equator. Whereas the bigger islands as Mahé or Praslin are famous for its endemic (and rare) land birds the smaller… Continue reading Bird migration in late fall on Seychelles – an abstract