Steppe habitat just outside Castilla de la Mancha

The Spanish province of Valencia was visited in summer. One reason was to relax for a week. The second argument was to get a feel for avian delights of an area of the country normally thought of in mainstream tourism terms. As a habitual visitor to the more well-known birding destination of Andalucía and Portugal,… Continue reading Steppe habitat just outside Castilla de la Mancha

Overshoots im Frühjahrszug auf den britischen Inseln

Es lohnt sich immer wieder, mal über den Tellerrand des unmittelbaren Orni-Umfelds zu schauen. So konnten auch die Birder auf der Insel im Westen des Kontinents das erste Wochenende im April als Frühling mit angenehmen Temperaturen, einem leichten Windchen und in der Regel Sonnenschein willkommen heißen. Mit den frühlingshaften Temperaturen war auch auf den britischen… Continue reading Overshoots im Frühjahrszug auf den britischen Inseln

Spring migration along the Baltic Sea coast

Sunrise over the southern shore of the Baltic Sea. Grey dots swinging in the air reveal themselves as migrating songbirds. And there were masses of grey dots. One flock after another passed the steep cliff of the island of Usedom in the morning of eastern. A fresh wind blowing from the south obviously pushed the… Continue reading Spring migration along the Baltic Sea coast

Birding in & around Frankfurt: The Palmengarten

Frankfurt is the financial capital of Germany. It is well known although the city limits inhabit only roughly 600,000 people. But the greater Frankfurt area of course is much more populated. If you are on business in Frankfurt and have some spare time between two meetings and you are a birdwatcher, you might be interested… Continue reading Birding in & around Frankfurt: The Palmengarten