Southern Egypt: a worthwhile birding destination for the Western Palearctic?

The aim of a trip in April 2023 was to visit Egypt again after a long time. On the one hand to round off the list of birds in the western Palaearctic and on the other hand to observe the bird migration along the Nile. During our previous stays we had mostly been to the… Continue reading Southern Egypt: a worthwhile birding destination for the Western Palearctic?

Stentorrohrsänger am Nasser-Stausse in Südägypten

Am frühen Morgen ist im Schilf im Vorfeld des Seeufers schnell Aktivität zu vernehmen. So ist schon von weitem der Stentorrohrsänger (Acrocephalus stentoreus) zu hören. Überall dort, wo die Art vorkommt, fällt sie tatsächlich am ehesten durch ihren kräftigen Gesang auf, der dem anderer großer Teichrohrsänger – wie unserem Drosselrohrsänger (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) – ähnelt und… Continue reading Stentorrohrsänger am Nasser-Stausse in Südägypten

Egypt- a birding trip in spring migration time

INTRODUCTION With the lifting of the corona restrictions, “normal” trips are now possible again. From the end of 2022, I was planning a vacation in April next year. The aim was to visit Egypt again after a long time, on the one hand to round off the West Palearctic bird list and on the other… Continue reading Egypt- a birding trip in spring migration time

Yellow-billed Stork: a special for the western Palearctic

As if they had swallowed a stick, two individuals of a species known from Africa are standing on the banks of a chanal ot the Toshka Project. Between many Gray Herons (Ardea cinerea) two Yellow-billed Stork (Mycteria ibis) stand upright with hanging beaks. The colors are beautiful to see in the morning sun. I was… Continue reading Yellow-billed Stork: a special for the western Palearctic

Inhabitant near Nasser-dam: Clamorous Reed-Warbler

In the early morning, activity can quickly be heard in the reeds in front of the lake shore. The Clamorous Reed-Warbler (Acrocephalus stentoreus) can be heard from afar. In fact, wherever the species occurs, it is most conspicuous for its powerful song, which is similar to that of other great reed warblers – such as… Continue reading Inhabitant near Nasser-dam: Clamorous Reed-Warbler

Vogelparadies im Krüger Nationalpark

Vögel im Krüger Nationalpark zu fotografieren bedeutet Herausforderung und Belohnung zugleich. Eben noch hat man in komfortabler Zivilisation beim Frühstück von der Veranda einer Lodge aus zwei Fitisse (Phylloscopus trochilus) und einen Grauschnäpper (Muscicapa striata) bewundert. Ein Kaptäubchen (Oena capensis) kam mal angeflogen und trank aus einer Pfütze. Ein besonders schöner Liest, wie die Eisvogelverwandte… Continue reading Vogelparadies im Krüger Nationalpark