One afternoon we almost finished our hike through the Nockberge-mountains. In some spruce trees, we saw a family of Spotted Nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes). The followed us for several minutes and gave excellent views. The term “Nocke” refers to the rounded shapes of the mountains in the southern Austrian Alps, which reach up to 2,400 meters… Continue reading Spotted Nutcracker in the Nockberge in Austria
Tag: Capercaillie
Haselhuhn: Habitatsuche im Bayerischen Wald, Teil 2
Für das Haselhuhn (Bonasa bonasia) werden, über das Jahr verteilt, unterschiedliche Habitatpräferenzen angegeben werden. In einer 2-wöchigen Exkursion in den Böhmerwald bzw. Bayerischen Wald sollte sich zeigen, ob die bekannten Lebensraumbeschreibungen erstens gut zu identifizieren und zweitens gut zum Aufspürgen der Haselhühner geeignet waren. Im Allgemeinen bevorzugt das Haselhuhn junge Waldstadien mit Pionierwaldcharakter. Ein hoher… Continue reading Haselhuhn: Habitatsuche im Bayerischen Wald, Teil 2
Capercaillie in wildlife enclosure
Old and weakened trees have not been felled and removed from the forests for years, but remain there until they are knocked over by the wind or pushed down by the snow. Insects such as the bark beetle, which are seen as pests in commercial forests, are allowed to make their natural contribution to forest… Continue reading Capercaillie in wildlife enclosure
Ptarmigan in Tyrol
A rattling, gibbering call is thrown back from the high rocky walls in echoes. After 1 minute, the call is repeated. Carefully, I try to approach the noise source. Unexpectedly, a Rock Ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus) appears between the boulders. After only two shots, the Ptarmigan is already disappeared. In the middle of the mighty mountain… Continue reading Ptarmigan in Tyrol