A hailstorm sweeps across the countryside. Just after the thunderstorm ceased a male Northern Shoveler (Anas clypeata) flies particularly beautifully in front of us on the watch tower. From the observation tower it can be admired in flight at eye level with its bright blue and green wings and the brown belly. Although it is… Continue reading Große Rosin: Northern Shoveler after heavy hailstorm
Tag: Diptera
Impressive midges buzz in backlit light
This is more than impressive: Millions of true midges had hatched and were recently dancing in the air at a site east of Genshagen, a district of Ludwigsfelde south of Berlin. Seeing this is fascinating and for some also frightening. But don’t worry: You can watch the spectacle in peace. True midges do not bite.… Continue reading Impressive midges buzz in backlit light
Northern Shoveler in heavy hailstorm
A hailstorm falls over the ponds of Stangenhagen. While many wading and waterfowl used to stand stoically by the lake, the masses of birds that meet here in late summer to moult and rest for the first time on their way to their winter quarters are now beginning to move. First, the Northern Lapwings (Vanellus… Continue reading Northern Shoveler in heavy hailstorm
Making of „White Wagtail with nestling food“
A White Wagtail (Motacilla alba) perches in the top of a Willow tree just in front of the bird watching tower. With a thick package in its beak consisting of small small Diptera such as Flies (Brachycera) and Mosquitoes (Nematocera), Caddisflies (Trichoptera) and small Dragonflies (Odonata), it waits patiently in front of the bird observation… Continue reading Making of „White Wagtail with nestling food“
White Wagtail with nestling food
With a thick package in its beak consisting of small Diptera such as Flies (Brachycera) and Mosquitoes (Nematocera), Caddisflies (Trichoptera) and small Dragonflies (Odonata), a White Wagtail, (Motacilla alba) suddenly sits in the pollarded willow just in front of the bird observation tower. As in previous years, a pair of White Wagtails has built a… Continue reading White Wagtail with nestling food
Zuckmücken umschwirren Zwergscharbe im Abendlicht
Die Wolken bieten einen geradezu phantastischen Anblick; von ihrer Oberfläche heben sich Kuppeln empor und formen sich langsam zu mehrere Metern hohen Säulen um, die im leichten Sommerwind hin- und herwogen, sich lichten, um sich oben wie Pinienkronen auszubreiten, und sich schließlich auflösen, um anderen Säulen Platz zu machen. Die Erscheinung dauert bis zum Anbruch… Continue reading Zuckmücken umschwirren Zwergscharbe im Abendlicht
Making-of der anfliegenden Bachstelze mit Nestlingsnahrung
Eine Bachstelze (Motacilla alba) sitzt in der Kopfweide direkt vor dem Vogelbeobachtungsturm. Mit einem dicken Paket im Schnabel bestehend aus kleinen Dipteren wie Fliegen und Mücken (Nematocera), Köcherfliegen (Trichoptera) und kleine Libellen (Odonata), wartet sie geduldig vor dem Vogelbeobachtungsturm auf ein Verschwinden des Ornithologen. Während die ebenfalls im Turm brütenden Rauchschwalben (Hirundo rustica) sich nicht… Continue reading Making-of der anfliegenden Bachstelze mit Nestlingsnahrung
Bachstelze kommt mit Nestlingsnahrung
Mit einem dicken Paket im Schnabel bestehend aus kleinen Dipteren wie Fliegen (Brachycera) und Mücken (Nematocera), Köcherfliegen (Trichoptera) und kleine Libellen (Odonata), sitzt auf einmal eine Bachstelze (Motacilla alba) in der Kopfweide direkt vor dem Vogelbeobachtungsturm. Wie in den Vorjahren hat ein Bachstelzenpaar ein Nest in die Kuppe – vielleicht auf einem Dachbalken – des… Continue reading Bachstelze kommt mit Nestlingsnahrung
Midges buzz around Pygmy Cormorant in evening light
„The clouds offer an almost fantastic sight; domes rise from their surface and slowly reshape themselves into columns several meters high, swaying back and forth in the light summer wind, thinning out to spread out above like pine crowns, and finally dissolving to make way for other columns. The apparition lasts until nightfall; the twitching… Continue reading Midges buzz around Pygmy Cormorant in evening light
Little Greenbuls fly catching insects in the rain
Having been in Campo Ma’an National Park in southern Cameroon already the 2nd day, we experienced a heavy thunderstorm with endless rain. Probably not the first front of the rainy season brought heavy rain and thunder – and myriads of flying insects. Just outside our basic camp, birds made sallies into the air, to catch… Continue reading Little Greenbuls fly catching insects in the rain