Mountain Robin-Chat on red ants road at Mount Cameroon

During the night, a heavy thunderstorm had fallen with heavy downpours over Douala and the southwestern province. Now in the early morning a few birds are on the hiking trail. In an open site, some specialists have found themselves plundering an ant-train. Unlike in South America, these birds actually seem to eat the ants themselves.… Continue reading Mountain Robin-Chat on red ants road at Mount Cameroon

Little Greenbuls fly catching insects in the rain

Having been in Campo Ma’an National Park in southern Cameroon already the 2nd day, we experienced a heavy thunderstorm with endless rain. Probably not the first front of the rainy season brought heavy rain and thunder – and myriads of flying insects. Just outside our basic camp, birds made sallies into the air, to catch… Continue reading Little Greenbuls fly catching insects in the rain

Durstiger Graubrustspecht am Wassertank

Die Hitze ist fast unerträglich in Maroua. Wir wollen in den äußersten Norden Kameruns, in den Waza Nationalpark. Ohne Eskorte ist da aber nichts zu machen. Und für die Eskorte braucht man eine Erlaubnis – angeblich durch den lokalen Gouverneur. Das Warten auf die Freigabe zieht sich hin. Unser Guide macht mich auf einen Wassertank… Continue reading Durstiger Graubrustspecht am Wassertank