Impressive midges buzz in backlit light

This is more than impressive: Millions of true midges had hatched and were recently dancing in the air at a site east of Genshagen, a district of Ludwigsfelde south of Berlin. Seeing this is fascinating and for some also frightening. But don’t worry: You can watch the spectacle in peace. True midges do not bite.… Continue reading Impressive midges buzz in backlit light

Midges buzz around Pygmy Cormorant in evening light

„The clouds offer an almost fantastic sight; domes rise from their surface and slowly reshape themselves into columns several meters high, swaying back and forth in the light summer wind, thinning out to spread out above like pine crowns, and finally dissolving to make way for other columns. The apparition lasts until nightfall; the twitching… Continue reading Midges buzz around Pygmy Cormorant in evening light