A foggy morning in the harbor, and the thick mist seems to be clinging to the masts of the ships in the harbor. There’s a feeling of mystery in the air as the fog creates an eerie atmosphere and obscures the details of the vessels. The kutter in the harbor is not really a majestic… Continue reading Gulls and Ducks in winter fog
Tag: Baltic Sea
Caspian Tern on southern shores
„Among the vast hordes of sea birds nesting in the great colonies of the southern Atlantic and Gulf coasts, this king of all the terns may be seen climbing into the air on its long, strong wings, its big red bill wide open, yelling out its loud raucous cry of defiance. As the dominant, ruling… Continue reading Caspian Tern on southern shores
Common Cranes in Zingst/ Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Who wants to observe the huge accumulations of Common Cranes (Grus grus) in fall, will find excellent opportunities near the seaside resort of Zingst in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Zingst and Darß were declared a National Park in 1990 due to their natural coastline and the unique so-called Boddenlandschaft. Together with the Fischland, they form a peninsula in… Continue reading Common Cranes in Zingst/ Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Yellow-billed Loon in the middle of Germany
A dam in the middle of the Sauerland in Germany in hazy weather with low-lying clouds combined with drizzle, wind from the west with in gusts 4 bofors at 8 ° Celsius normally is not the place to stay and watch. But this is the place to add a vagrant Yellow-billed Loons or White-billed Divers… Continue reading Yellow-billed Loon in the middle of Germany
Eiders in the Frozen
Photographing the most colorful ducks of the world in 10-minus-degree temperatures in February at the northern tip of Europe sounds crazy. Well, whether it is crazy or just stupid is a matter of your point-of-view. But all can agree, that it is real Arctic Adventure. The one or the other vagrant Eider might arrive in… Continue reading Eiders in the Frozen
Steller’s Eider female on Baltic Sea of Germany
Today a female Steller’s Eider, Polysticta stelleri, has been recorded north of the Holnisspitze, which is a peninsula north-east of a town in Schleswig-Holstein named Gluecksburg. After a run in the last days to the one individual of a male King Eider, Somateria spectabilis, at Kalkhorst at the shores of the Baltic Sea, this is… Continue reading Steller’s Eider female on Baltic Sea of Germany
Male King Eider on Baltic Sea of Germany
During the last days one male King Eider, Somateria spectabilis, continues to stay at Kalkhorst at the shores of the Baltic Sea. The german sea resort is approx. 15km distance east of Travemünde, Lübeck. This male King Eider in beautiful breeding plumage is obviously only one of the few records for 2013 so far south… Continue reading Male King Eider on Baltic Sea of Germany
Vagrant Fox Sparrow in Estonia
During the last days one Fox Sparrow Zonotrichia or Passerella iliaca, continues to stay in the town of Haapsalu, Estonia at the Baltic Sea. The bird was first spotted on last Sunday. The location Läänemaa/ Haapsalu is roughly 100km away from the Estonian capital, Tallinn. This thrush is obviously only the 5th record for the… Continue reading Vagrant Fox Sparrow in Estonia