Emirates Golf Club – or Ghantoot after all? Somehow I can’t find the direction to the south. Road traffic in UAE is a thing of its own. As I drive north, Safa Park is actually the first on the route. All right, I’ll take that. Unfortunately it’s still too early and I still have to… Continue reading A split: Delicate Prinia and sister species
Tag: UAE
Orientprinie als Abspaltung von der Streifenprinie
Emirates Golf Club – oder doch nach Ghantoot? Irgendwie finde ich dann die Richtung nach Süden nicht. Der Straßenverkehr in den Emiraten ist so ein eigenes Ding. Als ich gen Norden fahre, liegt eigentlich der Safa Park als erstes auf der Strecke. Na, gut, dann nehme ich den. Leider ist es noch zu früh und… Continue reading Orientprinie als Abspaltung von der Streifenprinie
Odinshühnchen: Migration in der West-Paläarktis
Odinshühnchen (Phalaropus lobatus) sind vor allem als farbenfrohe Brutvögel der arktischen Tundren Eurasiens und Nordamerikas bekannt. Die farbenprächtigeren Weibchen werben mit auffälligen Balzflügen um die Männchen, die später dann alleine die Jungvögel führen. Im Anschluß an das Brutgeschäft sind Odinshühnchen ausgesprochene Zugvögel. Sie haben dann ihr schlichtes schwarz-weißes Schlichtkleid angelegt. In kleiner Zahl ziehen Odinshühnchen… Continue reading Odinshühnchen: Migration in der West-Paläarktis
Cattle Egret taking a shower under a lawn sprinkler
This species of heron is renown to spend a lot of time close to livestock like grazing cattle and grab insects and worms that their hooves disturb. But on these pictures you can see, that the Cattle Egret feels attracted to other human environment as well. Weather the egret seeks the spray of the lawn… Continue reading Cattle Egret taking a shower under a lawn sprinkler
More Bird Images in Picture Shop
Having checked the output of trips to the Emirates, Oman, Romania & Poland, Bird Lens is proud to show more excellent images of birds shot in these countries at excellent destinations in the gallery of the pictures shop. There were some excellent opportunities to photograph on several occasions in the desert, in the mountains and… Continue reading More Bird Images in Picture Shop
Identification of Sternula Terns in Asia/Africa
When you are going to eastern Arabia in spring, you have good chances to see (and compare) 2 small terns of the genus Sternula. Sternula is a genus of small white terns, which is often subsumed into the larger genus Sterna. Saunder’s Tern, Sternula saundersi, was formerly considered to be subspecies of Little Tern but… Continue reading Identification of Sternula Terns in Asia/Africa
Purple-Blue over a sea of grass….
Observing bird migration in the UAE is one of the prime birdwatchter´s target. But also the resident species are targets in their own rights. This is true for sure for one of the most colorful birds in UAE, the Indian Roller, Coracias benghalensis, which used to be called the “Blue Jay”. Some people have even described the Indian… Continue reading Purple-Blue over a sea of grass….