A little Dwarf : the Firecrest

You are in a coniferous forest and you hear a high “ziziziziit”, practically always on the same pitch. You cannot go wrong in this combination. Singing is the hallmark of the Firecrest (Regulus ignicapilla). If you have discovered the Firecrest e.g. by imitated the “singing”, you quickly see a bright orange-red crest, which is raised… Continue reading A little Dwarf : the Firecrest

Firecrest, Regulus ignicapilla, in coniferous forest

Coniferous forest and a high-pitched ziziziziit, practically always at the same frequency. You cannot go wrong in the combination. The song is the best field mark for the Firecrest (Regulus ignicapilla). If you made the Firecrest approach you closer, for example by imitated the “song”, you quickly see a bright orange red crest, which is… Continue reading Firecrest, Regulus ignicapilla, in coniferous forest

Sommergoldhähnchen im Nadelwald

Nadelwald und ein hohes ziziziziit, praktisch immer auf derselben Tonhöhe. In der Kombination kann man nicht viel falsch machen. Der Gesang ist das Kennzeichen des Sommergoldhähnchens (Regulus ignicapilla). Hat man das Sommergoldhähnchen entdeckt, indem man z.B. den „Gesang“ imitiert hat, sieht man schnell einen leuchtend orangeroten Scheitelfleck, der bei Erregung aufgestellt wird. Beide Geschlechter haben… Continue reading Sommergoldhähnchen im Nadelwald

Irrgastsuche auf Kvitsoy/ Norwegen

Ende September, Anfang Oktober zieht es viele Vogelbegeisterte auf die einzige deutsche Hochseeinsel, Helgoland. Und es lohnt sich. Während einer Reise vom 8. bis 13. Oktober 2012 konnten einige bemerkenswerte Vögel gesichtet werden. An der südlichen Ecke von Helgoland, dem sogenannten “Kringel” wurde am 9. Oktober 2012, an der roten Sandsteinklippe ein Buschspötter (Hippolais caligata)… Continue reading Irrgastsuche auf Kvitsoy/ Norwegen

Siberian Vagrants: The Yellow-browed Warbler

Soft evocative calls in tall herb. Every year there is a pronounced migration of Goldcrest (Regulus regulus). But it is worth to risk a closer look. In the mixed flocks sometimes there are representatives of small Phylloscopus-Warblers. One of them, the Yellow-browed Warbler (Phylloscopus inornatus), comes from the forests of the taiga between Sea of… Continue reading Siberian Vagrants: The Yellow-browed Warbler

Booted Warbler and other vagrants on Helgoland

During a trip from October 08th till 13th 2012 to experience migrating birds on Helgoland several remarkable sighting could be noted. A Booted Warbler, Hippolais caligata, was seen at the red sandstone cliff at the southern corner of Helgoland, at the so-called “Kringel” on the 9th of October 2012. On the same day a Siberian… Continue reading Booted Warbler and other vagrants on Helgoland