Ende September, Anfang Oktober zieht es viele Vogelbegeisterte auf die einzige deutsche Hochseeinsel, Helgoland. Und es lohnt sich. Während einer Reise vom 8. bis 13. Oktober 2012 konnten einige bemerkenswerte Vögel gesichtet werden. An der südlichen Ecke von Helgoland, dem sogenannten “Kringel” wurde am 9. Oktober 2012, an der roten Sandsteinklippe ein Buschspötter (Hippolais caligata)… Continue reading Irrgastsuche auf Kvitsoy/ Norwegen
Tag: Saxicola maurus
Siberian specialities on Bird-Lens
On the eastern edge of the western palearctic are living bird families closely related to the species you find on a regular basis in the western palearctic too. Sometimes these birds cross or touch the borders of the western palearctic only. Sometimes they occur during an influx as vagrants touching down often to islands of… Continue reading Siberian specialities on Bird-Lens
Booted Warbler and other vagrants on Helgoland
During a trip from October 08th till 13th 2012 to experience migrating birds on Helgoland several remarkable sighting could be noted. A Booted Warbler, Hippolais caligata, was seen at the red sandstone cliff at the southern corner of Helgoland, at the so-called “Kringel” on the 9th of October 2012. On the same day a Siberian… Continue reading Booted Warbler and other vagrants on Helgoland