During a stay at the western coast of Sri Lanka, bird-lens.com shot images of an alleged Acrocephalus-Warbler in Briefs Garden, an ornamental garden near the west coast. Immediately I was thinking of a Blyth’s Reed-Warbler (Acrocephalus dumetorum) but could not really confirm ID not at least because the habitat – a garden hedge – was… Continue reading Sykes’s Warbler wintering in Sri Lanka?
Tag: Kurpark
Steppenspötter oder Buschrohrsänger in Sri Lanka?
Während eines Aufenthalts an der Westküste Sri Lankas schoss bird-lens.com Bilder von einem mutmaßlichen Acrocephalus-Rohrsänger im Briefs Garden, einem Ziergarten in der Nähe der Westküste. Sofort dachte ich an einen Buschrohrsänger (Acrocephalus dumetorum), konnte aber die Art nicht wirklich bestätigen. Das lag nicht zuletzt daran, dass der Lebensraum – eine Gartenhecke – für die Art… Continue reading Steppenspötter oder Buschrohrsänger in Sri Lanka?
Booted Warbler and other vagrants on Helgoland
During a trip from October 08th till 13th 2012 to experience migrating birds on Helgoland several remarkable sighting could be noted. A Booted Warbler, Hippolais caligata, was seen at the red sandstone cliff at the southern corner of Helgoland, at the so-called “Kringel” on the 9th of October 2012. On the same day a Siberian… Continue reading Booted Warbler and other vagrants on Helgoland