Endlose weiße Weite. Mittendrin ein (fast) völlig weißer Vogel. Die Schneeeule (Bubo scandiacus) ist in diesem Lebensraum meist das größte fliegende Raubtier. Zeit, sich diese Eule mal näher anzugucken. Eine der nördlichsten Gebiete in der Finnmark ist die Halbinsel Nordkyn. Hier bietet Nordic Safari Nordkyn AS Ausflüge in die Fjell-Region südlich des Fischerorts Mehamn an. Mehamn… Continue reading Schneeeulen in der Finnmark
Tag: Adventure Camp Mehamn
Snowy Owl on snow-covered plateau in Nordkyn/ Norway
Having booked a snowmobile-trip with Nordkyn Nordic Safari AS to the fjell-region south of Mehamn (the most northern fishing town of the world) to enjoy the snow-covered nature of this beautiful nordic countryside and to have a look for the first arrivals, arrivals of birds coming back to their breeding grounds. Already before starting the… Continue reading Snowy Owl on snow-covered plateau in Nordkyn/ Norway
Seabird migration from a boat in Nordkyn/ Norway
It is hard to believe, but also on the northern edge of the WP (Western Palearctic) seabirds are living and migrating. To see them, bird-lens.com managed a trip in the beginning of May to the northern tip of Norway, to the Nordkyn peninsula. This is the best location to spot the migration out to the… Continue reading Seabird migration from a boat in Nordkyn/ Norway