An adult male Stejneger’s Scoter (Melanitta deglandi stejnegeri) could be photographed at Pinet beach, La Marina Coast, Alicante. This Asian White-winged Scoter (Melanitta deglandi stejnegeri) is the second record for Spain and is a real MEGA . The bird was seen at least from the 6th of December at La Marina together with Common Scoter… Continue reading Stejneger’s Scoter at Alicante, Valencia
Tag: Black Scoter
Slettnes – Gambell-Seawatching: a photographers point of view
A Common Eider (Somateria mollissima) with a yellow bill might be not the only difference what you realize, if you are seabirding on different locations. Well, Somateria mollissima v-nigrum is breeding along the arctic coasts of north-east Siberia to Alaska and shows a yellow bill unlike its relatives from the northern part of Europe. But… Continue reading Slettnes – Gambell-Seawatching: a photographers point of view
Red-throated Diver: Migration in May in front of Nordkyn/ Norway
A moment ago it had rained. Now again, you are standing in the most beautiful sunshine. Well, that one is on the lee side of the lighthouse, because the east wind whistles pretty much. In a distance on the horizon you see migratory birds flying ahead against the heavy wind towards the Barents Sea. In… Continue reading Red-throated Diver: Migration in May in front of Nordkyn/ Norway