Canon EOS 1DX: Twilight performance

Some months ago, a blog was written on to review the Canon EOS 1DX and explain some aspects of dynamic range and noise in the Canon EOS 1DX performance. As mentioned in the blog, some tests in photo laboratories show, that the dynamic range of the Canon EOS 1Dx benefits from having “only” 18… Continue reading Canon EOS 1DX: Twilight performance

Baffin Shackleton Snow Boot, customer review

After some reviews-blogs had been written in about photo equipment as the Canon EOS 1 Mark IV or the Canon EOS 1DX and the Canon 400mm f4 DO I think, I write also a short experience review of the Baffin Men’s Shackleton Snow Boot, because I ‘m often asked about my experiences not only with camera… Continue reading Baffin Shackleton Snow Boot, customer review

Canon EOS 1DX: some aspects of Dynamic range and Noise

After blogging a review of the Canon EOS 1DX some people asked me wether I can subscribe what is written there and wether it is possible to show proof of what is said, that the dynamic range has improved significantly over the Mark IV. Some tests in photo laboratories show, that Dynamic range of Canon EOS 1DX… Continue reading Canon EOS 1DX: some aspects of Dynamic range and Noise

Canon EOS 1 D X: an experience review

After having written a review about the Canon EOS 1 Mark IV not too long ago, the review for the Canon EOS 1 D X may be a little bit early. But I think, I write only a short review, because I ‘m often asked about my experiences with the 1DX. Mainly from photographers who… Continue reading Canon EOS 1 D X: an experience review

The Eckla-carts for photo equipment, a field report

For about half a year I enjoy to transport my photo equipment with the Eckla-Beach-Rolly-Pro Edition II photographers.  I ordered the cart at the online shop”Augenblicke eingefangen“. The Eckla Beach Rolly -Pro Edition for photographers is advertised as the ideal transport assistance for heavy photo equipment and can have at a weight of just 4.4 kg… Continue reading The Eckla-carts for photo equipment, a field report