American Painted-snipe at the Rio de la Plata in the Estancia Palenque

An American Painted-snipe (Rostratula semicollaris) poking in the moist soil in the most beautiful morning light in early March 2000. What a picture. It looks much smaller than the Common Snipe (Gallinago gallinago). The Painted-Snipe is foraging in shallow water at the edge of a sedge stand, picking up prey with the semicircular movement of… Continue reading American Painted-snipe at the Rio de la Plata in the Estancia Palenque

Bird migration and regional circulation in the Pantanal

Whereas long-distance bird migration for aquatic bird species is roughly understood there are other movements of birds between especially the lower Paraná River valley wetlands in Argentina, and the south Brazil/Pantanal wetlands which are far from clear. Besides the fact, that the global patterns of Summer/ Winter north and south of the equator determines the… Continue reading Bird migration and regional circulation in the Pantanal