…….on the way back back to Patzcuaro I had not been in the pine mountain-forest interspersed with oaks for a long time when I encountered my first Mexican (Grey breasted) Jay of the day. It is a flock, which roam sometimes on the road, sometimes on the lower branches of the pines in search of… Continue reading New world warblers in pine-oak forest in Mexico, Part II
Tag: Rubingoldhähnchen
New world warblers in pine-oak forest in Mexico, Part I
A quiet highway with many serpentine curves, conifer forest, twitters of birds. The typical attributes of a high-altitude German central mountain landscape like the Black Forest in southern Germany. But the location actually is in the middle in Mexico at the slopes mountains of the central mexican plateau with peaks as high as 3,000 m… Continue reading New world warblers in pine-oak forest in Mexico, Part I