While exploring the Central Highlands of Papua New Guinea, I came across a remarkable bird, the Black Sittella (Daphoenositta miranda). This species belongs to the Neosittidae family and is native to several mountainous regions of New Guinea. In this blog, I would like to share my observations and findings about this rare bird. The Black… Continue reading Discovery of the Black Sittella (Daphoenositta miranda) in the Central Highlands of PNG
Tag: Ambua Lodge
King of Saxony Bird-of-Paradise sings his song up in Tari Gap
The male King of Saxony Bird-of-paradise (Pteridophora alberti) performs his courtship song from a high point of view, from the bushy crown of a giant tree. It is actually the perfect habitat for a King-of-Saxony Bird-of-paradise. The King-of-Saxony Bird-of-paradise impresses with two long feathers on the head, which he can be moved to courtship with… Continue reading King of Saxony Bird-of-Paradise sings his song up in Tari Gap
Wimpelträger balzt vor Nebel in immergrüner moosbewachsenen Kulisse des Tari Gap
Von der Ambua Lodge starten wir gegen Nachmittag mit dem Bus in höhere Lagen, über den Wolken. Dies ist die Region, die in der Literatur Tari Gap genannt wird. Von der Straße aus wollen wir u.a. den Wimpelträger (Pteridophora alberti), auch bekannt als „König von Sachsen“ beobachten. Wir sind noch nicht aus dem Tor heraus,… Continue reading Wimpelträger balzt vor Nebel in immergrüner moosbewachsenen Kulisse des Tari Gap
Blue Bird-of-paradise near Ambua Lodge/ Papua-New Guinea
At 5:00 a.m. the night in the Ambua Lodge, a luxurious mountain hotel, is over. Today a trip around Ambua Lodge in the Southern Highlands is announced. After breakfast we start driving. It is still quite dark, but it does not rain. The target species of our morning observations are the Blue Bird-of-paradise (Paradisornis rudolphi)… Continue reading Blue Bird-of-paradise near Ambua Lodge/ Papua-New Guinea
Lawes’s Parotia in Ambua Lodge/ Papua-New Guinea
At 5:00 a.m. the night in the mountain hotel is over. 5:30 a.m. breakfast is announced. Afterwards we are guided straight to a fruiting tree to observe Birds-of-paradise at the bungalow no. 7. The inconspicuous green and black berry tufts lure Birds-of-paradise again and again. Here you might find the Lawes Parotia (Parotia lawesii). We… Continue reading Lawes’s Parotia in Ambua Lodge/ Papua-New Guinea
Blauparadiesvogel im Bergland des Tari
Heute ist ein Ausflug im Umfeld der Ambua Lodge in den Southern Highlands angesagt. Nach dem Frühstück fahren wir los. Es ist noch ziemlich dunkel, aber kein Regen. Die Zielarten unserer vormittäglichen Beobachtungen sollen der Blauparadiesvogel (Paradisornis rudolphi) und der Kragenparadiesvogel (Lophorina superba) sein. Unser Guide, Benson, treibt uns zur Eile. Nach kurzer Fahrt, Stopp… Continue reading Blauparadiesvogel im Bergland des Tari
Black Sittella in Papua New Guinea
In the Central Highlands of PNG I found this nice Black Sittella (Daphoenositta miranda) . This species belongs in the Neosittidae family. It is found in several mountainous areas in New Guinea. There is not much known about this close relative of the more common Varied Sittella. Even Wikipedia does not show much more. For more details… Continue reading Black Sittella in Papua New Guinea