Eine mitteleuropäische Entdeckung eines Buschrohrsängers (Acrocephalus dumetorum) im Feld erfolgt erstaunlich selten – wenn man sieht, wie nah die westliche Verbreitungsgrenze dieser Art ist. Über die Beobachtung eines Buschrohrsängers im Matsalu National Park in Estland hatte bird-lens.com ja bereits berichtet. Es wird wohl an der Ähnlichkeit mit den beiden heimischen Rohrsängerarten, Teichrohrsänger (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) und… Continue reading Feldmerkmale des Buschrohrsängers
Tag: Melodious Warbler
Female Pygmy Sunbird in northern Cameroon
On a thorny acacia tree is quietly sitting a bird. I shot some photos and head off with the group. Someone noticed a Senegal Eremomela (Eremomela pusilla) at that moment. And indeed: what I saw at home was – on first sight – the image of a yellow warbler But a Senegal Eremomela? I was… Continue reading Female Pygmy Sunbird in northern Cameroon
Birdphotographie in the Picos De Europa
While the southern landscapes in Spain – like the Estremadura – are among the most popular photo destinations on the Iberian Peninsula, the mountains in the north, like the Picos De Europa, are largely unknown to many bird photographers. On my travels to Spain mountainous birds of the Hochgebirge had been too short. They were… Continue reading Birdphotographie in the Picos De Europa
Melodious Warbler in the lower Wetterau near Frankfurt
After a message on Ornitho.de – an portal for internet sightings – I visited the city of Bad Vilbel – a suburb called Massenheim- in the lower Wetterau about 20 km north from Frankfurt city. There, the reported Melodious Warbler (Hippolais polyglotta) could be discovered singing. Bird-lens was ablte to shoot some photo documents. The slowly… Continue reading Melodious Warbler in the lower Wetterau near Frankfurt