Common Snipe is “Bird of the Year 2013” NABU and the national federation for Birds (LBV), NABU partner in Bavaria have voted in Germany endangered Common Snipe (Gallinago gallinago) to the “Bird of the Year 2013” as you can see here: NABU | Vogel des Jahres 2013: Die Bekassine. More information, you will find following… Continue reading NABU | Vogel des Jahres 2013: Die Bekassine
Tag: display flight
Common Snipe in courtship flight
Common Snipes, Gallinago gallinago, are always a prime birdwatchter´s and bird photographers target bird. A beautiful patterned wader that stays hidden normally in the grass, but is seen sometimes in the open; even allowing approach at short distance. If the snipe is startled it will burst out from its cover and fly in a zig-zag… Continue reading Common Snipe in courtship flight