A green bird slips through dense vegetation right on the side of a beautiful, silent forest lake. Hiking should go to Poço do Ferreiro, also called Lagoa da Pato. I want to look at an area without tourists, which can be overcrowded during the day. I am a little disappointed. There is already a car in the parking lot although it is only 8:45 am. So I’m not alone. Thick clouds are in the sky. The clouds are also hanging over the plateau as well and have shrouded the upper parts of the cliffs in fog. This reinforces the impression of the falling waterfalls all the more. I have not been standing on the elevated bank edge for a long time. Right next to a lily pad I see movement. I can hardly believe my eyes. Green-grey, a bird slips between the leaves and the stem of the aquatic plant. Hey, the guy with the thick, white, superciliary is not a native bird – at least not one I’ve had seen already. Anyway: otherwise you can see only the yellow of the Grey Wagtail (Motacilla cinerea) on or near the water. Crouched posture and a thick, white superciliary: Yes, this is clearly a Northern Waterthrush or in Portuguese Mariquita -boreal. In any case, it is a Seiurus noveboracensis. Suddenly – without even being able to take a picture – the bird disappears. Fortunately, the Northern Waterthrush reappears soon after on a thick algae carpet. There it walks at some distance open over a rock carpet of duckweed and fir fronds. The bird does not seem to be really shy. But he is not particularly photographer-friendly. For a while I’m sitting on a tree stump right on the water and I hope that the Northern Waterthrush will turn around the corner right away. Unfortunately, none. Then I was right with an unidentified sighting of a bird with a thick, white superciliary on October 8, 2017. This means the Waterthrush has been in the area for at least 10 days.
I also see 2 species of ducks that I may not have seen so far. One of them initially turns out to be a Redhead (Aythya americana). Later, however, the species identification is corrected to Ring-billed Duck (Aythya collaris).
In order to satisfy the growing demand for top shots of the rarer species of Western Palearctic, Bird-lens.com has undertaken dedicated trips to nearby and distant bird areas. This is to be able to do anything to provide excellent images of the birds of the Western Palearctic. Sometimes the yield of images is enriched by bird species, which are very unlikely to show-up in the Western Palearctic. The results in images even of rare Western Palearctic birds are very good. The beautiful image of the blog is only a first impression of what you will find in behind “Picture Shop” very soon. Simply contact bird-lens.com if you need an image of a bird before the newest images are online.