Bornean Banded Pitta at the montane hill forests at Trus Madi Forest Reserve

Eventually a Bornean Banded Pitta (Hydrornis schwaneri) shows up in the arena of a shady wood on a steep slope. We sit side by side in a dark hideout that barely has slots for camera lenses. We’ve been waiting for a good 1 hour. There she is: the beauty. The Bornean Banded Pitta is a… Continue reading Bornean Banded Pitta at the montane hill forests at Trus Madi Forest Reserve

Die Bergwälder des Trus Madi Forest Reserve sind Heimat für den Bulwerfasan

Einer der aufregendsten Vogelbeobachtungsmomente, an die ich mich erinnere, waren die Rufe des majestätischen, wenn auch schwer fassbaren Bulwerfasans (Lophura bulweri). Ein wunderschöner Fasan, der vielen Vogelbeobachtern lange Zeit entgangen ist. Ein einziger männlicher Bulwerfasan tauchte nur vor wenigen Wochen direkt vor unserem Versteck im Trus-Madi-Bergwald der Crocker Range in Sabah auf Borneo auf. Dieser… Continue reading Die Bergwälder des Trus Madi Forest Reserve sind Heimat für den Bulwerfasan

A jewel in the forest: Blue-banded pitta

The departure takes place in foggy twilight. This time the Blue-banded Pitta (Pitta arcuata) is the object of desire. Again we stand twice for a miserable time at the edge of a forest or in the edge of the forest and look down, spellbound. On the second attempt, after about 40 minutes of standing patiently,… Continue reading A jewel in the forest: Blue-banded pitta

Pygmy White-eyes at Borneo Jungle Girl Camp in Trus Madi Forest Reserve

High-pitched “tsee-tsee…”-calls come from the low canopy of trees. A flock of Pygmy White-eyes (Heleia squamifron) roam through the trees in search of small fruits and small berries and maybe some tiny insects. During our stay in the hills and mountains of Borneo, ranging from Mount Kinabalu to the Kelabit Chain but especailly in the… Continue reading Pygmy White-eyes at Borneo Jungle Girl Camp in Trus Madi Forest Reserve

Temmincknektarvögel hinter den Waschräumen des Borneo Jungle Girl Camps in Borneo

Die roten Blüten eines Hibiskus sind allein schon ein Foto wert. Umso schöner, wenn man die eigenartigen Blüten noch mit einigen Vogelarten „garnieren“ kann. Ein Strauch des Hibiskus, vielleicht der Art Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis, zog jedenfalls die Nektarvögel besonders an. Er befand sich direkt hinter den Waschräumen des Borneo Jungle Girl Camps in den Bergen Borneos.… Continue reading Temmincknektarvögel hinter den Waschräumen des Borneo Jungle Girl Camps in Borneo

Trus Madi Forest Reserve as homestad of Bulwer’s Pheasant

One of the heart stopping birding moments I remembered was hearing the calls of the the majestic, if elusive, Bulwer’s Pheasant (Lophura bulweri) A beautiful Pheasant that has long eluded many birders. A single male emerged Bulwer’s Pheasant appeared right in front of our hide at the Trus Madi montane forest of the Crocker Range… Continue reading Trus Madi Forest Reserve as homestad of Bulwer’s Pheasant