A somewhat melancholy, often repeated melody from the dense undergrowth reveals the “tropical robin”. It is an East Coast Akalat (Sheppardia gunningi) of the subspecies sokokensis. We are in the so-called mixed forest. The beginning of our morning trip is not going well. However, a Red-legged Sun Squirrel (Heliosciurus rufobrachium), can be seen briefly on… Continue reading East Coast Akalat in the east-african lowland forest of Arabuko-Sokoke/ Kenya
Tag: Sokoke Pipit
Malindi Pipit (Anthus melindae) in the Arabuke-Sokoke Forest/ Kenya
A Pipit takes flight as we approach the dry, low grassy area. Our Guide calls immediately: this is not Malindi Pipit (Anthus melindae) but an African Pipit (Anthus cinnamomeus). Already on the Sabaki River Delta we had searched for the Malindi Pipit in the sparsely vegetated grasslands in vain. Our Guide says that the previously… Continue reading Malindi Pipit (Anthus melindae) in the Arabuke-Sokoke Forest/ Kenya