Oriental Reed-Warbler in Laem Pak Bia Watertreatment / Thailand

Chinarohrsänger2 warblers are calling out of the reeds in the early morning in the middle of Thailand. The one is a Black-browed Reed-Warbler (Acrocephalus bistrigiceps) this is clear. Checking some older images I stumbled over an Acrocephalus-Warbler, which at the time, I called a Blunt-winged Warbler (Acrocephalus concinens). I shot the image in January 2011 in the Laem Pak Bia Watertreatment plant in middle Thailand. I checked the Helm ID-guide “Warblers of Europe, Asia, and North Africa” and I start thinking due to the streaks on the breast and the thick bill it might have been a Oriental Reed-Warbler (Acrocephalus orientalis) instead. I opened a threat in www.birdforum.com.

Quite shortly, a specialist confirmed the ID with the words “…is indeed an Oriental Reed Warbler. Note in particular combination of grey streaked breast, strong supercilium, rather heavy bill and blue-grey legs.”

In the Laem Pak Bia Watertreatment plant, there are pools designed to purify the water a biological cleaning process with reeds. The staff is very nice; the gate is already open or they open it for the incoming bird-watcher. The swampy, watery or dry, more or less large pools are a perfect place to see many of the usual but also unusual birds of Thailand. This is particularly true in the winter season. Promptly I can see White-breasted Waterhen, Ruddy-breasted Crake and Pintail Snipe. A big flock of Whiskered Tern (Chlidonias hybrida) have gathered in one of the large water basins, which are used for pre-cleaning. There they collect micro insects from the water surface. A great sighting in the first morning light. At the end of the terrain, a flooded mangrove forest is located. In the rear area, just before the mangrove forest, there are a few narrow sedimentary bassins. Just when I arrived 2 warblers are calling from within the reeds. Eventually they come to the edge of the reeds and can be observed.

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