Cameroon Olive-Greenbul (Phyllastrephus poensis) near Bamenda in the Cameroon Highlands

A dark olive-brown bird moves between twigs and branches. The trees are on the slope above the crater lake are not so high. This allows for very nice pictures of birds, which would otherwise be rather up in the canopy – largely invisible from the ground. This time, the brown bird with the striking beak… Continue reading Cameroon Olive-Greenbul (Phyllastrephus poensis) near Bamenda in the Cameroon Highlands

Der Bamendabülbül – ein Spezialist der Cameroon Highlands Ökoregion

Der Ausflug zum Kratersee Lake Awing war bereits sehr ergiebig an diesem Morgen. Von einem Weg entlang eines Grats oberhalb des Sees konnte bereits ein junger Bamendalappenschnäpper (Platysteira laticincta) und ein Elternteil gesehen werden. Ein ganz dunkler Vogel mit einem gelben Augenrand ist der Schwarzbauchweber (Ploceus melanogaster). Still und unscheinbar schlüpft ein ganz grüner Vogel… Continue reading Der Bamendabülbül – ein Spezialist der Cameroon Highlands Ökoregion

Cameroon: bird photography on a guided birding tour

The Birdlife of West Africa was on the schedule for April 2017. I decided for the Africa specialist Rockjumper. Cameroon is a vast and diverse land; lying just north of the equator. This bird-rich nation forms the inter-grade between West and Central Africa and harbors a wide range of habitats, ranging from steamy lowland rainforest… Continue reading Cameroon: bird photography on a guided birding tour